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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-03-28
Page range: 39–46
Abstract views: 140
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Adelotremus leptus, a new genus and species of sabertooth blenny from the Red Sea (Teleostei: Blenniidae: Nemophini)

Research Associate, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-7800, USA
Institut H. E. Sauvage, 56 rue du Dr. Brousse, 62360 St. Etienne-au-Mont, France
Pisces Blenniidae Nemophini sabertooth blenny new genus and species Red Sea


Adelotremus leptus is described as a new genus and species of blenniid fish based on a single gravid female, 35.4 mmstandard length, collected from a polychaete tube in 15 m depth in the Red Sea near Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. The genusdiffers primarily from other nemophin genera (except Xiphasia) in having pterygiophores of the dorsal-fin spines broadlycontacting robust vertebral neural spines, and the combination of dorsal-fin spines and rays IX, 19, total vertebrae 32,ventral margin of gill opening opposite dorsalmost 5th or 6th pectoral-fin ray and no lateral line. An identification key is provided for genera of the blenniid tribe Nemophini.


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