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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-04-13
Page range: 40–46
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A new species of Haploglenius Burmeister, 1839 (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) from the Colombian Orinoquía

Grupo de Investigación en Artrópodos “KUMANGUI”, Laboratorio de Entomología, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia
Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 77840-2475, U.S.A
Neuroptera Haplogleniinae Haploglenius Neotropical region male terminalia male genitalia


A new species of Haploglenius Burmeister, 1839 from Colombia (H. abdominevittatus Ardila & Jones sp. nov.) is described.This species is unique among members of Haploglenius—which are newly diagnosed here under a slightly revised definitionby the presence of three rows of anal cells in the hind wing—in having both a well-developed axillary angle and a highly exca-vated posterior margin at the base of the forewing, characters normally distinctive of other Neotropical genera of Haploglenii-nae. This species also exhibits unique color patterning on the abdomen. The male genitalia are illustrated, a first for species in the genus.


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