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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-04-24
Page range: 43–55
Abstract views: 104
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Systematics of the Etheostoma cinereum (Teleostei: Percidae) species complex (subgenus Allohistium)

Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153, USA
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA
Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153, USA
Fish Etheostoma maydeni Cumberland River endemic darter


We examined geographic variation within the Ashy Darter, Etheostoma cinereum, of the mitochondrially enconded cyto-chrome b gene (cyt b) and nuclear recombination activation gene 1 (RAG1) as well as pigmentation, 6 meristic variables,and 20 morphometric variables for patterns indicative of speciation within the complex. Four geographically disjunct en-tities were identified by at least one of the datasets corresponding to the Cumberland, Duck, Elk, and upper Tennesseeriver systems. Monophyly of cyt b and RAG1 sequences, modal meristic differences, moderate morphometric divergence,and unique pigmentation in specimens from the Cumberland River suggest this entity represents an evolutionary speciesunder many different species concepts and is described herein as Etheostoma maydeni. Other populations exhibit varyingdegrees of divergence in the different datasets and have conflicting relationships in phylogenetic analyses using cyt b andRAG1 sequences, leaving the evolutionary history and taxonomic status of the Duck, Elk and upper Tennessee populations unclear.


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