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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-04-25
Page range: 63–68
Abstract views: 82
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On the unassigned species of the subfamily Coelidiinae (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)

Affiliate Faculty, Monte L. Bean Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602, USA
Natural History Survey, 1816 S. Oak St., Champaign, IL, 61820, USA
Hemiptera Leafhoppers taxonomy types new combinations descriptions


Five species treated incertae sedis and one overlooked species in Coelidiinae are each assigned to the following respectivegenus and tribe: Jassus maldivensis Distant to Thagria Melichar, comb. nov (Thagriiini); Jassus atkinsoni Distant to OlidianaMcKamey, comb. nov. (Coelidinii); Coelidia costalis Walker to Paracarinolidia Nielson, comb. nov. (Teruliini); Coelidia dis-integrans Walker to Paracarinolidia Nielson, comb. nov. (Teruliini), Bythoscopus guttatus Walker to Docalidia Nielson,comb. nov. (Teruliini) and Coelidia semiflava Lethierry to Pilosana Nielson, comb. nov (Youngolidiini). All of the species areredescribed with photos of the general habitus. The generic placement Coelidia perineti Evans, previously assigned to thegenus Limentinus Distant (Coelidiini) and recognized as a junior synonym of Limentinus aldabranus Distant, is confirmed. Eight species in the subfamily remain problematical.


  1. Evans, J.W. (1954) Les Cicadellidae de Madagascar (Homopteres). Memoirs de L’Institut Scientifique de Madagascar. Series E, Entomology 4, 87–137.

    Metcalf, Z.P. (1964) General Catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascile VI. Cicadelloidea. Part 11, Coelidiidae. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Washington, D.C. 182 pp.

    Nielson, M.W. (1975) A revision of the subfamily Coelidiinae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Tribes Tinobregmini, Sandersellini and Tharrini. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology, Supplement, 24, 1–197.

    Nielson, M.W. (1977) A revision of the subfamily Coelidiinae (Homptera: Cicadellidae. II. Tribe Thagriini. Pacific Insects Monograph 34. 218 pp.

    Nielson, M.W. (1979) A revision of the subfamily Coelidiinae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). III.Tribe Teruliini. Pacific Insects Monograph 35. 329 pp.

    Nielson, M.W. (1982) A revision of the subfamily Coelidiine (Homoptera: Cicaddelliae). IV. Tribe Coeldiini. Pacific Insects Monograph 38. 318 pp.