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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-05-02
Page range: 64–68
Abstract views: 93
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A new species of Kamaka (Amphipoda: Kamakidae) from Lake Tonle Sap, Cambodia

Department of Biological Sciences, College of Sciences, Ibaraki University, Mito, 310-8512 Japan
Crustacea Amphipoda Kamakidae Kamaka tonlensis new species Cambodia Lake Tonle Sap


Kamaka tonlensis sp. nov. is described from Lake Tonle Sap, Cambodia. This species is peculiar in having no marginal setae onthe outer ramus of uropod 2 and relatively elongate dactylus of male gnathopod 1. It brings the number of species of Kamaka up to 13.Keywords. Crustacea, Amphipoda, Kamakidae, Kamaka tonlensis, new species, Cambodia, Lake Tonle Sap


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