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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-05-18
Page range: 39–48
Abstract views: 82
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New Species of Pista Malmgren, 1866 (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) from the Caribbean

nstituto de Biología, Grupo LimnoBasE y Biotamar, Universidad de Antioquia, Calle 67 No.53–108, Medellín (Antioquia), Colombia. CP 5001000 El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Laboratorio de Poliquetos, Apartado Postal 424. Chetumal (Q. Roo), México. CP 77900
Annelida Descriptions Grand Caribbean Morphological characters Standardization Taxonomic Revision New Species


Three new species of Pista are described. Pista vossae sp. nov., occurs from Florida to Jamaica and Venezuela.This species is distinguished by uncini having few teeth, and base shaped with a rounded anterior process. Pistalizae sp. nov., is present in Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and Panama. This species is distinguished by having a lobeon the dorsal edge of segment 4, eyespots, and uncini with long posterior processes on the anteriormost threeuncinigers only. Finally, Pista hataam sp. nov., from Yucatan Basin, is distinguished by having two lobes on thedorsal edge of segment 4, separated by a smooth swollen membrane, and all thoracic uncini with long posteriorprocesses. Thus, the number of species of Pista for the region is doubled to six. A taxonomic key for Caribbean species is provided.


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