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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-05-22
Page range: 1–56
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The cumacean Genus Eudorella (Crustacea: Peracarida) from Japanese Waters, Northwest Pacific, and E. suluensis sp. nov. from the Sulu Sea, Indo-West Pacific

Ushimado Marine Laboratory, Okayama University, Ushimado, Okayama 701-4303, Japan
Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Yokohama National University
Crustacea Cumacea Eudorella new species Japan Sulu Sea


Cumacean crustaceans in the genus Eudorella (Leuconidae) from Japanese waters, in the Northwest Pacific, were examinedand the following 15 species were recognized: E. acuticaudata sp. nov.; E. æquiremis Hansen, 1920; E. bathyalis Vassilenko &Tzareva, 2004; E. bathyhwanghaensis sp. nov.; E. breviflagella sp. nov.; E. dentata Lomakina, 1955; E. emarginata (Kroer,1846); E. fusafusa sp. nov.; E. haradai sp. nov.; E. hwanghaensis Hong & Park, 1999; E. ohtai sp. nov.; E. orientalis sp. nov.;E. parahirsuta sp. nov.; E. ryukyuensis Akiyama & Gamô, 2005; and E. setoensis Akiyama & Gamô, 2006. In addition,Eudorella suluensis sp. nov., was collected from the Sulu Sea, Philippines, Indo-West Pacific, 688–693 m. These speciesinclude 2 groups on the basis of shared morphological characters. Eudorella bathyalis, E. breviflagella sp. nov., E. fusafusa, E.orientalis, and E. setoensis are characterized by a row of simple setae on each side of the carapace, with both E. breviflagellaand E, setoensis also characterized by a short flagellum on antenna 2 in adult males. The other group consists of Eudorellahwanghaensis, E. bathyhwanghaensis, and E. ryukyuensis, from southern Japan, and E. suluensis; with E. hwanghaensis and E. bathyhwanghaensis also characterized by a peculiar secondary sexual character on the tip of the 3rd pereopod in adult males.


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