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Published: 2005-04-20
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Checklist of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel

Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel
Pisces marine fishes checklist Israel Mediterranean


A checklist of the Mediterranean marine ichthyofauna of Israel is presented. A total of 402 species belonging to 130 families, 33 orders and 3 classes are listed. The checklist includes all synonyms for each species and citations of all known publications, listed in chronological order, concerning occurrence in Israeli waters of each species. Citations are coded to indicate the focus of each publication.


  1. Abraham, B. (1963a) A study of the Oogenesis and egg resorption in the mullets, Mugil cephalus and M. capito in Israel. M.Sc. Thesis. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. 21 + xvi pp.

    Abraham, B. (1963b) A study of the Oogenesis and egg resorption in the mullets, Mugil cephalus and M. capito in Israel. General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean, 7, 435–453.

    Abraham, M., Blanc, N. & Yashouv, A. (1966) Oogenesis in five species of grey mullets (Teleostei, Mugilidae) from natural and landlocked habitats. Israel Journal of Zoology, 15, 155–172.

    Abraham, M., Blanc, N. & Yashouv, A. (1968) Persistent yolk nuclei in the oocytes of Mugil cephalus when confined to fresh water environment. Annales díEmbryologie et de Morphogenèse, 1(2), 169–178.

    Aronov, A. (2002) Comparative study of the ecology of three groupers (Epinephelinae, Serranidae) at the shallow rocky habitats of the Israeli Mediterranean Coast. M.Sc. Thesis. Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv. 92 pp.

    Azoury, R. (1979) Age, growth and steroids in the ovary of flathead gray mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in the developing stages in the Bardawil Lagoon. M.Sc. Thesis. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. 43 + vi pp. [in Hebrew].

    Baranes, A. (1973) Taxonomy and behavior of the genera Mustelus and Triaenodon (Triakidae, Pisces) of the Mediterranean and Red Sea. M.Sc. Thesis. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. 108 pp.

    Baranes, A. (1979) Mediterranean sharks (a guide). Land and Nature, 21(5), 196–205. [in Hebrew].

    Baranes, A. & Darom, D. (1978) On sharks and jaws. Mada, 22(2), 61–68. [in Hebrew].

    Baranes, A. & Diamant, A. (1983a) Selachii. In: Fischelson, L. (Ed.), Plants and Animals of the Land of Israel. Vol. 4, Ministry of Defense Publication, Tel-Aviv, pp. 32–36. [in Hebrew].

    Baranes, A. & A. Diamant (1983b) Batoidea. In: Fischelson, L. (Ed.), Plants and Animals of the Land of Israel. Vol. 4, Ministry of Defense Publication, Tel-Aviv, pp. 36–39. [in Hebrew].

    Barasch, A. & Danin, Z. (1970) The molluscs from the stomach contens of Sparus aurata Linn Bardawil. Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 5 (4), 22–26 [in Hebrew].

    Barash, AL. & Danin, Z. (1971) Mollusca from stomach of Sparus auratus fished in the lagoon of Bardawil. Argamon, 2 (3–4), 97–104.

    Barshaw, D.E. & Spanier, E. (1994) Anti-predator behaviors of the Mediterranean slipper lobster, Scyllarides latus. Bulletin of Marine Science, 55, 375–382.

    Bath, H. (1973) Wiederbeschreibung und neuer Nachweis von Tripterygion melanurus Guichenot (Pisces: Blennioidea: Tripterygiidae). Senckenbergiana biologia, 54 (1/3), 47–56.

    Ben-Eliahu, M.N. & Golani, E. (1990) Polychaetes (Annelida) in the gut contents of goatfishes (Mullidae), with new polychaete records for the Mediterranean coast of Israel and the Gulf of Elat (Red Sea). Marine Ecology, 11, 193–205.

    Ben-Eliahu, M.N., Golani, D. & Ben-Tuvia, A. (1983) On predation on polychaetes (Annelida) by the squirrelfish Adioryx ruber (Holocentridae) with a new polychaete record from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Tethys, 11(1), 15–19.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1953a) Mediterranean fishes of Israel. Bulletin of the Sea Fisheries Research Station, Haifa, 8, 1–40.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1953b) New Erythrean fishes from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Nature, 172, 464–465.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1953c) Fishes caught off Caesarea, on the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, 2(4), 439.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1954) The biology of Sardinella aurita with a systematic account of the family Clupeidae of the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Ph.D. Thesis. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. 53 pp. [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1955) Two Indo-Pacific fishes, Dasyatis uarnak and Upeneus moluccensis, in the eastern Mediterranean. Nature, London, 176, 1177–1178.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1956a) The biology of the sardine (Sardinella aurita) and the taxonomy of the clupeids along the Mediterranean coast (part I). Fishermenís Bulletin, Haifa, 1(7), 20–24. [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1956b) The biology of the Sardinella aurita with a systematic account of the family Clupeidae of the Mediterranean coast of Israel (part II). Fishermanís Bulletin, Haifa, 1(8), 14–25 [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1956c) Eels of the family Heterenchelidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 9, 401–408.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1957a) Scomber japonicus Houttuyn of the coast of Israel. Fisheries Bulletin, Haifa, 2 (12), 12–14. [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1957b) Pelagic fisheries in Israel. Proceedings of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean, (GFCM), 4, 383–391.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1958) Investigations of Sardinella fisheries. Fishermenís Bulletin, Haifa, 2(17), 61–67 [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1959a) The exceptional abundance of Sardinella aurita in Tel-Aviv - Jaffa area. Fishermenís Bulletin, Haifa, 2(20), 7–9. [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1959b) Some studies on Sardina pilchardus from the coast of Israel. Proceedings of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (GFCM), 5, 385–392.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1959c) Synopsis of biological data on Sardinella aurita of the Mediterranean Sea and other waters. Proceedings of the World Scientific Meeting on the Biology of Sardines and Related Species. FAO Rome. Species Synopsis, 9, 287–312.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1959d) Fluctuations in the stock of Sardinella aurita and its dependence on temperature and rain. Proceedings of the World Scientific Meeting on the Biology of Sardines and Related Species. FAO, Rome. Experience Paper, 20, 1193–1203

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1960) Synopsis of the systematics and biology of Sardinella maderensis (Lowe). World Scientific Meeting on the Biology of Sardines and Related Species. FAO, Rome. Fisheries Biology Synopsis. 19, 497–519.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1961) Catch per unit of effort of Sardinella aurita along the coast of Israel during the years 1950–1959. Proceedings of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean. (GFCM), FAO, Rome, 6, 271–278.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1963a) Variations in vertebral number of young Sardinella aurita in relation to temperature during spawning season. Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Réunions de la Commission Internationale pour líExploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 17(2), 313–318.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1963b) Influence of temperature on the vertebral number of Sardinella aurita from the eastern Mediterranean. Israel Journal of Zoology, 12, 59–66.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1964) Two siganids fishes of Red Sea origin in the eastern Mediterranean. Bulletin of Sea Research Station, Haifa, 37, 1–9.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1966) Red Sea fishes recently found in the Mediterranean. Copeia, 1966, 254–275.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1971a) Revised list of the Mediterranean fishes of Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology, 20, 1–39.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1971b) On the occurrence of the Mediterranean serranid fish Dicentrarchus punctatus (Bloch) in the Gulf of Suez. Copeia, 1971, 741–743.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1972a) Mass mortality of juvenile pilchard (Sardina pilchardus) in the fishing harbour of Kishon, caused by pollution. Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 7(2–3), 39–40 [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1972b) Aswan Dam and its influence on the fishery. Mada, 17(3), 140–141. [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1975) Mugilid fishes of the Red Sea with a key to the Mediterranean and Red Sea species. Bamidgeh, 27(1), 14–20.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1977) New records of Red Sea immigrants in the eastern Mediterranean. Cybium, 3, 95–102.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1978) Immigration of fishes through the Suez Canal. Fishery Bulletin, 76(1), 249–255.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1979) Studies of the population and fisheries of Sparus aurata in the Bardawil Lagoon, eastern Mediterranean. Investigación Pesquera, 43(1), 43–67.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1983a) An Indo-Pacific goby Oxyurichthys papuensis (Valenciennes, 1837) in the eastern Mediterranean. Israel Journal of Zoology, 32, 37–43.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1983b) Tuna and mackerel in Israel coastal waters. Israel Land and Nature, 8(4), 152–157.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1983c) Edible fish. In: L. Fischelson, (ed.). Plants and Animals of the Land of Israel. Vol. 4, Ministry of Defense Publication, Tel-Aviv, pp. 40–45. [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1983d) Biological basis for the fishery regulation and management of the Bardawil Lagoon, Mediterranean coast of Sinai. FAO Fisheries Report No. 289 Supplement, 3, 399–408.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1984) Some aspects of the management of Bardawil Lagoon. In: Kapetsky, J.M. & G. Lasserre (eds.) Management of coastal lagoon fisheries. Studies and Reviews. General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean. FAO of the UN, 61 (2), 529–540.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1985) The impact of the Lessepsian (Suez Canal) fish migration on the eastern Mediterranean ecosystem. In: Moraitou-Apostolopoulou, M. & V. Kiortsis (eds.): Mediterranean Marine Ecosystems. Plenum Publishing Corporation, pp. 367–375.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1990) A taxonomic reappraisal of the Atlanto - Mediterranean soles, Solea solea, S. senegalensis and S. lascaris. Journal of Fish Biology, 36, 947–960.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. (1993) A review of the Indo-West Pacific congrid fishes of genera Rhynchoconger and Bathycongrus with the description of three new species. Israel Journal of Zoology, 39, 349–370.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. & Golani, D. (1979) Ten years of fisheries biology investigations of the Bardawil Lagoon. Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 14(2), 29–37 [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A. & Golani, D. (1984) A west African fangtooth moray eel Enchelycore anatina from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Copeia, 541–544.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. & Golani, D. (1989) A new species of goatfish (Mullidae) of the genus Upeneus from the Red Sea and the eastern Mediterranean. Israel Journal of Zoology, 36, 103–112.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. & Golani, D. (1993) Some observations on the biology of atherinid fishes from the Mediterranean and Red Sea coasts of Israel. Pour qui la Mediterranée ou 21 ème Siècle? Le Système Littoral Méditerranéen. Actes Du Colloque Scientifique, Montpellier, France, 58–63 pp.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. & Herman, Z. (1972) Biology of the fishes of Bardawil Lagoon. Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 7(4), 38–53. [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A., Wm. Kissil, G. & Popper, D. (1971) Experiments in rearing rabbitfish in sea water. Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 6(1), 30–35 [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Tuvia, A., Wm. Kissil, G. & Popper, D. (1973) Experiments in rearing rabbitfish (Siganus rivulatus) in sea water. Aquaculture, 1, 359–364.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. & Lourie, A. (1969) A Red Sea grouper Epinephelus tauvina caught on the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology, 18, 245–247.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. & Tandler, A. (1973) Biological investigations of pelagic fishery in 1972. Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 8(2–3), 46–56. [in Hebrew].

    Ben-Yami, M. (1981) Handling, transportation and stocking of fry. In: O.H. Oren (ed.). Aquaculture for Grey Mullets. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 335–359 pp.

    Ben-Yami, M. & Glaser, T. (1974) The invasion of Saurida undosquamis (Richardson) into the Levant basin — an example of biological effect on interoceanic canals. Fishery Bulletin, 72, 359–373.

    Ben-Yami, M. & Grofit, E. (1981) Methods of capture of grey mullets. In: Oren, O.H. (Ed.). Aquaculture for Grey Mullets. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 313–334.

    Benczel, C. (1967a) Age and growth of the gray mullet (Liza ramada). Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 2(1), 38–41. [in Hebrew].

    Benczel, C. (1967b) The age and growth of two species of the family Mugilidae: Mugil chelo and Mugil auratus. Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 2(2), 23–27. [in Hebrew].

    Bentczel, C. (1968) Methods of determination of age growth of mugilids. Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 3(2), 25–27. [in Hebrew].

    Blustein, I. (1976) The biology of the European seabass, (Dicentrarchus labrax (Linn.) in the Bardawil Lagoon. M.Sc. Thesis. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. 42 pp. [in Hebrew].

    Bodenheimer, F.S. (1935) Animal Life in Palestine. L. Mayer, Jerusalem. pp. 451–506.

    Bodenheimer, F.S. (1937) Prodromus Faunae Palestinae. Mem. Inst. Egypt, 233, 271–275.

    Bograd, L. (1955) Identification of gray mullet from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Fishermenís Bulletin, Haifa, 1(5), 22–24. [in Hebrew].

    Bograd Zismann, L. (1960) Mugil species in the rivers of Israel. Fishermenís Bulletin, Haifa, 3(25), 8–9. (Heb.).

    Bograd Zismann, L. (1961) Mugil species in the rivers of Israel (2). Fishermenís Bulletin, Haifa, 3(27), 8–10. [in Hebrew].

    Bograd-Zismann, L. (1965) The food of Saurida undosquamis in the eastern Mediterranean in comparison with that in Japanese waters. Extrait des Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Réunions de Commission Internationale pour líExploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 18, 251–252.

    Brill-Bar-Shua, N. (1961) Morphological comparison of two fish of the genus Blennius, B. fluviatilis and B. pavo. M.Sc. Thesis. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. 57 pp. [in Hebrew].

    Brusle, J. (1981) Sexuality and biology of reproduction in grey mullets. In: Oren, O.H. (Ed.). Aquaculture for Grey Mullets. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 99–154.

    Bucciarelli, G., Golani, D. & Bernardi, G. (2002). Genetic cryptic species as biological invaders: the case of a Lessepsian fish migrant, the hardyhead silverside Atheinomorus lacunosus. Journal of Experiment Marine Biology and Ecology, 273, 143–149.

    Chervinsky, J. (1959) A systematic and biological comparison between the Lizard fish (Saurida grandisquamis) from the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Fishermenís Bulletin, Haifa, 2(19), 10–14 [in Hebrew].

    Chervinsky, J. (1960) A taxonomic and biological comparison of the lizard fish (Saurida grandisquamis (G.)) from the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. M.Sc. Thesis. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. 23 pp. [in Hebrew].

    Chervinski, J. (1972) Occurrence of Tilapia zillii (Gervais) (Pisces, Cichlidae) in the Bardawil Lagoon in northern Sinai. Bamidgeh, 2, 49–50.

    Chervinski, J. (1975) Experimental acclimation of Liza aurata (Risso) to freshwater. Bamidgeh, 27(2), 49–53.

    Chervinski, J. (1976) Growth of the golden grey mullet (Liza aurata (Risso)) on the saltwater ponds during 1974. Aquaculture, 7, 51–57.

    Chervinski, J. (1986) Sandwhiting, Sillago sihama, Forskål, Red Sea immigrant and its salinity tolerance. Bamidgeh, 38(1), 30–32.

    Collette, B.B. (1970) Rastrelliger kanagurta, another Red Sea immigrant into the Mediterranean Sea, with a key to the Mediterranean species of Scombridae. Bulletin of Sea Fisheries Research Station, Haifa, 53, 3–6.

    Collette, B.B. & Parin, N.V. (1970) Needlefish (Belonidae) of the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Atlantide Report, 11, 7–60.

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    Diamant, A. (1989) Lessepsian migrants as hosts: a parasitological assessment of rabbitfish Siganus luridus and S. rivulatus (Siganidae) in their original and new zoogeographical regions. In: Spanier, E., Steinberger, Y. & Luria, M. (Eds.), Environmental Quality and Ecosystem Stability, IV B. ISEEQS Pub., Jerusalem, Israel, pp. 187–194.

    Diamant, A. (1992) A new pathogenic histozoic Myxigium (Myxosporea) in cultured gilt-head sea bream Sparus aurata L. Bulletin of European Association of Fish Pathology, 12(2), 64–66.

    Diamant, D. (1998) Parasitological aspect of Red-Med fish migration. . Actes Du Colloque Scientifique, Proceedings of the International Colloquium, OCEANOS, Montpellier, Franc. pp. 175–178.

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    Diamant, A., Ben-Tuvia, A., Baranes, A. & Golani, D. (1986) An analysis of rocky coastal eastern Mediterranean fish assemblages and a comparison with an adjacent small artificial reef. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 97, 269–285.

    Diamant, A., Issar, G., Colorni, A. & Paperna, I. (1991) A pathogenic Cryptocaryon-like ciliate from the Mediterranean Sea. Bulletin of European Association of Fish Pathology, 11(3), 122–124.

    Diamant, A., Lom, J. & Dyková, I. (1994) Myxidium leei n. sp., a pathogenic myxosporean of cultured sea bream Sparus aurata. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 20, 137–141.

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    Fischthal, J.H. (1980) Some digenetic trematodes of marine fishes from Israelís Mediterranean coast and their zoogeography, especially those from the Red Sea immigrant fishes. Zoologica Scripta, 9, 11–23.

    Fishelson, L. (1963a) Observations on littoral fishes of Israel. I. Behavior of Blennius pavo Risso (Teleostei, Blenniidae). Israel Journal of Zoology, 12, 67–80.

    Fishelson, L. (1963b) Observations on littoral fishes of Israel. II. Larval development and metamorphosis of Blennius pavo Risso (Teleostei, Blenniidae). Israel Journal of Zoology, 12, 81–91.

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    Fishelson, L., Delarea, Y. & Galil, B.S. (2000) Pathological alterations typical of human Tay-Sacs, in the retina of a deep-sea fish. Naturwissenschaften, 87, 363–365.

    Fishelson, L. & Galil, B.S. (2001) Gonad structure and reproductive cycle in the deep-sea hermaphrodite tripodfish, Bathypterois mediterraneus (Chlorophthalmidae, Teleostei). Copeia, (2001), 556–560.

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    Golani, D. (1990) Environmentally-induced meristic changes in Lessepsian fish migrants, a comparison of source and colonizing populations. Bulletin de líInstitut Océanographique, Monaco, (spécial), 7, 143–152.

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    Golani, D. (1994a) Gonostomatidae, Photichthydae and Myctophidae from the Mediterranean coast of Israel (Pisces: Teleostei). Senckenbergiana maritima, 25(1/3), 33–40.

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    Golani, D. (1998a) Distribution of Lessepsian migrant fish in the Mediterranean. Italian Journal of Zoology, 65 (suppl.), 95–99.

    Golani, D. (1998b) Impact of Red Sea fish migrants through the Suez Canal on the aquatic environment of the easrern Mediterranean. Bullitin of the Yale School of Forestry and Environment Studies, 103, 375–387.

    Golani, D. (2000) First record of bluespoted cornetfish from the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 56, 1545–1547.

    Golani, D. (2002a) Lessepsian fish migration — charaterization and impact on the eastern Mediterranean. In: Öztürk, B. & N. Başusta (Eds.) Workshop on Lessepsian Migration Proceedings. Turkish Marinre Research Foundation, Istanbul, 9, 1–9 pp.

    Golani, D. (2002b) The Indo-Pacific striped eel catfish, Plotosus lineatus (Thunberg, 1787), (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes) a new record from the Mediterranean. Scientia Marina, 66, 321–323.

    Golani, D. (2003) Fish assemblages associated with net pen mariculture and an adjacent rocky habitat in the Port of Ashdod, Israel (eastern Mediterranean) — preliminary results. Acta Adritica, 44, 51–59.

    Golani, D. (2004) First record of the muzzled blenny (Osteichthyes: Blennidae: Omobranchus punctatus) from the Mediterranean, with remarks on ship-mediated fish introduction. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 84, 851–852.

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    Golani, D. & Ben-Tuvia, A. (1986) New records of fishes from the Mediterranean coast of Israel including Red Sea immigrants. Cybium, 10, 285–291.

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