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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-06-01
Page range: 49–59
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Review of the genus Sinoe (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) with descriptions of two new species

School of Life Sciences, Box 874501, Arizona State University, AZ 85287-4501, USA
Mississippi Entomological Museum, Box 9775, Mississippi State, MS 39762-9775, USA
Lepidoptera Nearctic Gelechiidae Litini Robinia pseudoacacia neotype lectotype Chambers Gracillariidae


Species of the North American genus Sinoe Chambers, 1873, are reviewed. A neotype for Anacampsis robiniella Fitch,1859, the type species of Sinoe, is designated, and the species is redescribed. A lectotype for S. fuscopalidella Chambers,1873 and a neotype for Gelechia robiniaefoliella Chambers, 1880, both junior synonyms of S. robiniella, are also desig-nated. Two new species, Sinoe chambersi sp. nov. and S. kwakae sp. nov. are described. Adults and male and female gen-italia are illustrated for the three recognized species. Keys to the species are given based on external characters and the genitalia of both sexes.


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