The first part of a revision of the species comprising the genus Praocis Eschscholtz, 1829 (Pimeliinae: Praociini) is present-ed. The history of taxonomic research on Praocis is reviewed. The subgeneric classification is outlined. The subgenusPraocis s. str., distributed in Central and Southern Chile, is revised. Species occur from 26º South to 42º South in the bio-geographic provinces of Atacama, Coquimbo, Santiago, Maule and Valdivian Forest. Included is a redescription of the sub-genus Praocis s. str., redescription of its species, an identification key, habitus photographs of the most representative species,illustrations of external morphology and genital features, scanning electron micrographs of pronotum, head and antenna, as well as distribution maps. Praocis s. str. comprises 18 species, two of which are new: Praocis (Praocis) bicentenario sp.nov. and P. (P.) medvedevi sp. nov. Other species include: Praocis (Praocis) aenea Gay & Solier 1840, P. (P.) costata Gay& Solier 1840, P. (P.) curta Solier 1840, P. (P.) elliptica Philippi & Philippi 1864, P. (P.) hirtella Kulzer 1958, P. (P.) mar-ginata Germain 1855, P. (P.) parva Gay & Solier 1840, P. (P.) quadrisulcata Germain 1855, P. (P.) rufipes Eschscholtz1829 (type species), P. (P.) sanquinolenta Gay & Solier 1840, P. (P.) spinolai Gay & Solier 1840, P. (P.) subaenea Erichson1834, P. (P.) subsulcata Gay & Solier 1840, P. (P.) sulcata Eschscholtz 1829 and P. (P.) tibialis Gay & Solier 1840. Thestatus of P. (P.) bicostata Philippi & Philippi 1864, currently considered a valid name, is discussed. A lectotype is desig-nated for Praocis (P.) laevicosta Curtis 1845 (synonym of P. (P.) subaenea). The subgenus Praocis (Parapraocis) Kulzer 1958 is excluded from Praocis.References
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