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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-06-11
Page range: 32–45
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Redescription of two troglobiotic species of the genus Pseudosinella Schäffer, 1897 (Collembola, Entomobryidae) from the Western Carpathians

Department of Zoology, Institute of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University, Moyzesova 11, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic
Institute of Soil Biology BC AS CR, Na Sádkách 7, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Collembola cave fauna troglomorphy Slovak-Aggtelek Karst Slovakia Hungary


Two troglobiotic species of the genus Pseudosinella Schäffer, 1897 from the Western Carpathians are redescribed, P. ag-gtelekiensis (Stach, 1929) and P. paclti Rusek, 1961. P. aggtelekiensis has endemic distribution restricted to the Slovak-Aggtelek Karst region in Slovakia and Hungary. It shows higher level of troglomorphy (elongation of antennae, basal dis-placement of ungual teeth concurrent with their reduction) probably representing a descendant of the older phyletic Lep-idocyrtus-Pseudosinella lineage. P. paclti, distributed in caves of several karstic regions in central Slovakia, is characteristic with medium level of troglomorphy.


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