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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-06-15
Page range: 56–62
Abstract views: 93
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Discovery of the subgenus Lithobius (Sigibius) Chamberlin, 1913 (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae) in East Asia: A review the Chinese species

Scientific Research Office, Hengshui University, Hengshui, Hebei 053000, P. R. China
Department of Life Sciences, Hengshui University, Hengshui, Hebei 053000, P. R. China
Department of Otorhirnolaryngology, The Second People’s Hospital of Hengshui, Hengshui, Hebei 053000, P. R. China
Scientific Research Office, Hengshui University, Hengshui, Hebei 053000, P. R. China
Myriapoda Lithobiidae Lithobius (Sigibius) trichinocaput China identification key


The present paper reviews the centipede species of the subgenus Lithobius (Sigibius) Chamberlin, 1913 (Lithobiomorpha: Lith-obiidae) of the Chinese fauna, including a new species Lithobius (Sigibius) trichinocaput sp. n. recently discovered from HebeiProvince, the only East Asian record of this otherwise Central and North America subgenus of Lithobiomorpha. Diagnoses ofthe subgenus and the species, detailed account on species distribution and a key to the Chinese Lithobius (Sigibius) species are presented.


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