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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-06-19
Page range: 47–59
Abstract views: 91
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Larval morphology of Amphiops mater mater Sharp (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Chaetarthriini)

Systematic Entomology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060–8589 Japan
Hoshizaki Green Foundation, Okinoshima 1659-5, Sono-chô, Izumo-shi, Shimane Pref., 691–0076 Japan
Coleoptera aquatic beetles water scavenger beetle Hydrophilinae immature stage morphological transformation chaetotaxy Japan


The larval morphology of Amphiops mater mater Sharp, 1873 is described, including chaetotaxy and morphological trans-formation between instars. Among genera of the family Hydrophilidae, the larvae of Amphiops Erichson, 1843 may bedistinguished by the following combination of characters: coronal line present; clypeolabrum almost symmetrical; man-dibles symmetrical and with three inner teeth; dorsal surface of palpomere 1 completely sclerotized; mentum with stronglyprojecting and sharply pointed anterior corners; ligula absent; spiracular atrium well developed. Several primary sensillaare absent from all instars of A. mater mater, in contrast to the stable chaetotaxy in the majority of Hydrophilidae species studied in detail to date.


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