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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-06-20
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Redescription and neotype designation of Lobogynium sudhiri (Datta) (Acari: Diplogyniidae), a mite associated with beetles of the genus Atholus (Thomson) (Coleoptera: Histeridae) in the Palaearctic region

Civic Museum, 20823 Lentate sul Seveso, Italy
Department of Biodiversity, International Center for Science, High Technology & Environmental Sciences, Kerman, Iran
Acari Diplogyniidae Ophiocelaeno Lobogynium neotype Histeridae Atholus


Ophiocelaeno sudhiri Datta, 1985 (family Diplogyniidae) is transferred to the genus Lobogynium Trägårdh, 1950 and rede-scribed from specimens collected in close association with histerid beetles of the genus Atholus (Thomson) in Europe and Asia.The genus Lobogynium is redefined and a key to the species is presented. The first description of the female, detailed redescrip-tion of the male and the new combination Lobogynium sudhiri (Datta, 1985) comb. nov. are given. A neotype is designated forthis species, because the holotype is lost. A strongly sclerotised antero-lateral circum-anal area appears to be an autapomorphicfeature of this species. Lobogynium sudhiri is widely distributed in the Palaearctic region, and is probably a sapro-coprophilous species that completes its life-cycle in dung and other decaying organic matter.


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