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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-07-04
Page range: 222–231
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Two new species of Indopinnixa Manning & Morton, 1987 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan

Transdisciplinary Research Organization for Subtropical and Island Studies, University of the Ryukyus, 870 Uehara, Taketomi, Okinawa 907-1541, Japan
Kankyosha, 1-4-5-102 Kyozuka, Urasoe, Okinawa 901-2111, Japan
Crustacea Indopinnixa new species Pinnotheridae Kumejima Okinawa Ryukyu Islands taxonomy


Two new species of pinnotherid crabs of the genus Indopinnixa Manning & Morton, 1987, are described from Kume andOkinawa islands, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. The new species are distinguished from congeners as well as allied Pinnixa species by a combination of characters of the carapace, male abdominal somites, ambulatory legs, and/or male first gonopod.


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