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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-07-04
Page range: 229–244
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A new Pseudodiaptomus (Copepoda, Calanoida) from Korea supported by molecular data

Faculty of Marine Technology, Chonnam National University, Jeonnam 550-749, Korea
National Academy of Agricultural Science and Technology, Suwon 441-707, Korea
Department of Life Science, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea
Faculty of Marine Technology, Chonnam National University, Jeonnam 550-749, Korea
Crustacea Pseudodiaptomidae copepods taxonomy new species ITS 1 mtCOI estuary


A new species, Pseudodiaptomus koreanus sp. nov. (Calanoida, Pseudodiaptomidae), which has so far been identified as P. inopinus Burckhardt, 1913, is described from Korean estuaries. This new species differs from P. inopinus in the broad and short posterior process of the female genital flap, rounded posteriocentral projection between the gonopores, presence of a posterodorsal spinule on the fifth pediger of the male, and a row of fine ventral spinules on the male second urosomite. The new species is also distinguishable from P. nansei Sakaguchi and Ueda, 2010 by the presence of a row of fine spinules along posterior margins of the second and third pedigers in both sexes, rounded posteromedial projectionbetween the gonopores, separation of ancestral segment XXI and compound segments XXII–XXIII of the male right antennules, and a row of fine ventral spinules on the male second urosomite.


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