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Published: 2012-07-10
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A list of Cuban Lepidoptera (Arthropoda: Insecta)

División de Colecciones Zoológicas y Sistemática, Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, Carretera de Varona km 3. 5, Capdevila, Boyeros, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. CP 11900. Habana 19
Facultad de Biología, Universidad de La Habana, 25 esq. J, Vedado, Plaza de La Revolución, La Habana, Cuba
Lepidoptera Cuba diversity Greater Antilles literature missing groups West Indies


A total of 1557 species belonging to 56 families of the order Lepidoptera is listed from Cuba, along with the source ofeach record. Additional literature references treating Cuban Lepidoptera are also provided. The list is based primarily onliterature records, although some collections were examined: the Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática collection, Havana,Cuba; the Museo Felipe Poey collection, University of Havana; the Fernando de Zayas private collection, Havana; andthe United States National Museum collection, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. One family, Schreckensteinidae,and 113 species constitute new records to the Cuban fauna. The following nomenclatural changes are proposed: Paucivenahoffmanni (Koehler 1939) (Psychidae), new comb., and Gonodontodes chionosticta Hampson 1913 (Erebidae), syn. nov.,is a synonym of Gonodontodes dispar Hampson 1913. Burca cubensis (Skinner 1913) (Hesperiidae), and Eulepidotis reflexa (Herrich-Schäffer 1869) (Erebidae) are revised and revalidated.


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    Anweiler, G.G. (2009) Revision of the New World Panthea Hübner (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) with descriptions of 5 new species and 2 new subspecies. ZooKeys, 9, 97–134.

    Alayo, P. & Hernández, L.R. (1987) Atlas de las mariposas diurnas de Cuba (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera), Científico–Técnica, La Habana, 186 pp.

    Alayo, P. & Valdés, E. (1974) Notas sobre Lepidópteros de Cuba I. Poeyana, 139, 1–11.

    Alayo, P. & Valdés, E. (1976) Notas sobre Lepidópteros de Cuba II. Serie Biológica, 65, 1–7.

    Alayo, P. & Valdés, E. (1982) Lista anotada de los microlepidópteros de Cuba, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, La Habana, 122 pp.

    Austin, G.T. & Warren, A.D. (2002) Taxonomic notes on some Neotropical skippers (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae, Pyrrhopyginae and Pyrginae). Dugesiana, 9 (2), 15–49.

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    Bates, D.M. (1935a) The butterflies of Cuba. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 78(2), 63–258.

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    Bendicho-López, A. (1998) New distributional and foodplant records for twenty Cuban moths. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society, 52 (2), 214–216.

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