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Published: 2012-08-06
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Revision of the scarab subfamily Aclopinae Blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

Instituto de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas – Instituto de Ciencias Básicas, CCT-CONICET Mendoza. CC 507, 5500. Mendoza, Argentina
Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, Chile. Av. Portales 3396, Santiago, Chile
Coleoptera Taxonomy South America Scarab beetles


The Aclopinae from Argentina and Chile are revised and a redescription of the subfamily and type genus Aclopus Erichsonare presented. Aclopus vittatus Erichson is designated as the type species of Aclopus. Two new genera, GracilaclopusOcampo and Mondaca new genus, and Desertaclopus Ocampo and Mondaca new genus, are described. Gracilaclopusincludes eight species: G. bidentulus Ocampo & Mondaca new species, G. caceresi Ocampo & Mondaca new species, G.candelariae Ocampo & Mondaca new species, G. crepuscularis Ocampo & Mondaca new species, G. electricus Ocampo& Mondaca new species, G. morochus Ocampo & Mondaca new species, G. nigroscutatus Ocampo & Mondaca newspecies, and G. parvulus (Ohaus) new combination. The genus Desertaclopus includes three species: D. atacamensisOcampo & Mondaca new species, D. lucasi Ocampo & Mondaca new species, and D. marcosi Ocampo & Mondaca newspecies. A neotype is designated for Aclopus parvulus Ohaus (now G. parvulus). A key and diagnostic characters for allArgentinean and Chilean aclopine genera and species are provided. Based on a detailed morphological study, theAustralian Phaenognatha Hope and the Neotropical Neophaenognatha Allsopp are removed from the Aclopinae and transferred to Scarabaeidae incertae sedis.


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