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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-08-07
Page range: 62–68
Abstract views: 154
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The larva of the genus Paracordulia Martin, 1907 (Odonata: Corduliidae s.s.) and a generic key to the larvae of Corduliidae s.l. occuring in South America

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Coordenação de Pesquisas em Entomologia (CPEN), Avenida André Araújo, n. 2936, Caixa Postal 478, CEP 69011-970, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Odonata Anisoptera Amazonia Brazil Corduliidae Paracordulia Aeschnosoma Schizocordulia larva taxonomy


The ultimate stadium of a larva of the genus Paracordulia Martin, 1907 is described and illustrated for the first time. Itrepresents the last New World corduliid larva unknown at the generic level. The reared female differs slightly from otherknown female specimens, and thus no species name can be assigned to it. A key to the South American genera of corduliid larvae is given.


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