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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-08-14
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A phylogeny for Aromobates (Anura: Dendrobatidae) with description of three new species from the Andes of Venezuela, taxonomic comments on Aromobates saltuensis, A. inflexus, and notes on the conservation status of the genus

Instituto de Biología Tropical, Apartado Postal 220-8000, San José, Pérez Zeledón, San Isidro del General, 11901 Costa Rica
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, 2024 West, Main Street, Suite A200, Durham, North Carolina 27705-4667, USA
Amphibia Dendrobatidae Aromobates Aromobates saltuensis Aromobates inflexus phylogeny taxonomy conservation


Aromobates is a genus endemic to the northern Andes of Colombia and Venezuela. Limited information is available aboutthis genus diversity, current distribution, and taxonomic characterization. Here, we describe three new species of Aromo-bates from the Andes of Venezuela. We provide the most comprehensive phylogeny of Aromobates to date and taxonomicnotes on Aromobates saltuensis Rivero and A. inflexus Rivero. We also discuss the limitations of the current molecularand morphological diagnosis of Aromobates. Finally, we comment on the conservation status and research priorities for this genus.


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