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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-08-14
Page range: 52–61
Abstract views: 116
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Euphyllia baliensis sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia: Euphylliidae): a new species of reef coral from Indonesia

CORMEC,1 rue François Villon, 95000, Cergy, France Museum of Tropical Queensland, 70–102 Flinders Street, Townsville, 4810 Qld, Australia
20 Val Crescent, Noosaville, Queensland, 4566, Australia Museum of Tropical Queensland, 70–102 Flinders Street, Townsville, 4810 Qld, Australia
Conservation International Indonesia Marine Program, Jl. Dr. Muwardi No. 17, Denpasar, Bali, 80235, Indonesia California Academy of Science, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118 USA
Coelenterata Biodiversity coral systematics coral reefs Indo-Pacific Coral Triangle


Euphyllia baliensis sp. nov. (Hexacorallia: Scleractinia: Euphylliidae) is described from 10 specimens from Bali, Indone-sia. This species forms phaceloid colonies, and is distinguished morphologically from others in its genus by its compara-tively very small corallites (averaging 3 mm diameter) and much shorter, thinner, lightly calcified branches. It also exhibitsan unusual pattern for Hexacorallia in having four or eight primary and secondary septa. Living corals typically havefleshy polyps extended during the day. Tentacles are ‘anchor’, ‘kidney’ or ‘hammer’ shaped at their tips, occasionally withadditional smaller bulbous protuberances, the latter resembling ‘mittens’ or ‘gloves’. Tentacles are dull to dark reddish-brown with lime green bases and cream tips, becoming bluish on retraction. Type specimens were collected from 27-37 m depth off the central eastern coast of Bali, Indonesia. To date the species has not been reported from any other locality.


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