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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-08-17
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Revision of Menippus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) of Taiwan and Menippus dimidiaticornis species group with a new generic synonymy

Applied Zoology Division, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Taichung 413, TAIWAN
Mendel University, Department of Zoology, Zemĕdĕlská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Ecology and Systematics,Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-8589, Japan
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Galerucinae Menippus Issikia new species Taiwan taxonomy


The genus Issikia Chûjô, 1961 has been reduced to a junior synonym of Menippus Clark, 1864. Three Taiwanese species of Menippus are recognized: M. asahinai (Chûjô, 1962), new combination (originally described in Issikia); M. sericea (Weise, 1889), status revived (hitherto misidentified as the Taiwanese population of M. dimidiaticornis); and M. hsuehleeae, new species from north Taiwan. Menippus dimidiaticornis species group is a cluster of six species including M. sericea and four new species namely M. nepalensis, new species from Nepal; M. gressitti, new species from Laos, Vietnam, and China (Hainan); M. beeneni, new species from China (Shaanxi, Shanxi); and M. murzini, new species from Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia.


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