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Published: 2012-09-03
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An annotated checklist of Mutillidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) from Iran

Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Department of Agriculture, Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Hymenoptera Mutillidae checklist distribution Iran


An annotated list for 151 species group-names recorded from territory of modern Iran during two hundred years (1811–2011) of research is given. The list is based on the original literature sources and consideration of geopolitical changes of Persian/Iranian country borders and administrative subregion borders during this period. The occurrence of 92 species in 25 genera for Iran is verified. The records of four specific names from Iran are reqiured in clarification. An information about the sex on which the relevant species has been recorded and the distribution by provinces is presented and illustrated on maps. Subsequent missspelling beludzhistanica Lelej 2002 (in genus Dentilla) is not valid.


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