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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-09-03
Page range: 26–46
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Braconid wasps (Hymenoptera) of Reunion. 1. Euphorinae (including Meteorini): key to species and description of six new species

UMR 53 PVBMT "Peuplements Végétaux et Bioagresseurs en Milieu Tropical", Cirad Réunion, Pôle de Protection des Plantes, 7 chemin de l'IRAT, 97410 St Pierre, France
Laboratoire de Zoologie fonctionnelle et Evolutive, AgroBiotech, B-1030 Gembloux, Belgique Département d’entomologie, IRSNB, Rue Vautier 29, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
Hymenoptera parasitoid wasps Indian Ocean descriptions taxonomy


We revised the Euphorinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) collected in Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). To date, only Chrysopophthorus hungaricus (Kiss) was reported there. This catalogue is updated to a total of nine species, six of them being newly described: Centistes caloupile sp. nov., Cosmophorus merdiculus sp. nov., Leiophron sarahae sp. nov., Leiophron yaeli sp. nov., Meteorus comonile sp. nov., and Syntretus massale sp. nov. A key to all euphorine species of Reunion is provided.


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