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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-09-03
Page range: 47–61
Abstract views: 91
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The genus Bactrothrips in China (Thysanoptera: Idolothripinae): morphological and molecular data, and a key with two new species

Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R.China
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R.China
Thysanoptera Phlaeothripidae Idolothripinae Bactrothrips morphology COI new species China


Seven species of Bactrothrips Karny are recognized from China, based on morphological and molecular data, including Bactrothrips elongatus n. sp. and B. furvescrus n. sp. Meiothrips baishanzuensis Duan & Li is a new synonym of B. brevitubus Takahashi, and Bactrothrips brevitubus zhamanus Han & Zhang is a new synonym of B. pictipes Haga & Okajima. Molecular evidence provides clear relationships in the N-J tree among species studied here. A generic diagnosis and key to Chinese Bactrothrips species are also given.


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