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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-09-05
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Revision of Cossinae and small Zeuzerinae from Australia (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)

University of Melbourne, Department of Zoology, Parkville, 3010 Victoria, Australia
University of Melbourne, Department of Zoology, Parkville, 3010 Victoria, Australia
Lepidoptera Cossidae


In this paper we review the genera of Cossinae of Australia and describe seven new species, Culama anthracica sp. nov., C. suffusca sp. nov., C. alpina sp. nov., C. glauca sp. nov., Zyganisus propedia sp. nov., Z. cadigalorum sp. nov., and Z. acalanthis sp. nov. C. mesogeia Turner, 1932 syn. nov. and C. rhytiphorus (Lower, 1893) syn. nov. are both synonymised with C. australis Walker, 1856. Macrocyttara Turner 1918 gen. rev., with two species, M. expressa (Lucas, 1902) comb. rev. and M. pamphaea Turner, 1945 comb. rev., is resurrected from synonymy with Culama Walker, 1856. Cossodes White, 1841, here tentatively considered to belong to Cossinae, is characterized and the genitalia of the only species in this genus, C. lyonetii White, 1841, are figured. Furthermore, we review some smaller species of Zeuzerinae, all belonging to Sympycnodes Turner, 1932, which is redefined here. We describe another six new species, Sympycnodes dunnorum sp. nov., S. digitata sp. nov., S. interstincta sp. nov., S. adrienneae sp. nov., S. salterra sp. nov., and S. uptoni sp. nov. Two new combinations are introduced, Sympycnodes epicycla (Turner, 1945) comb. nov. and Sympycnodes arachnophora (Turner, 1945) comb. nov.


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