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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-09-07
Page range: 86–102
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Checklist of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from Bulgaria—a review

Department of Soil Microbiology, Institute of Soil Science “N. Pushkarov”, 7 Shosse Bankya Str., 1080 Sofia, Bulgaria
Annelida Clitellata distribution ecology habitat


Little is known about the diversity, ecology, distribution and habitats of earthworm populations in Bulgaria. In the presentstudy an attempt has been made to collect all scientific works on earthworm species (Lumbricidae) of Bulgaria. Thecomplete list of earthworm taxa of Bulgaria comprises 50 species and subspecies of Lumbricidae, belonging to 15 genera.For the first time, comprehensive information on distribution and habitats of all lumbricids in the country is given. Thepaper is useful for further monitoring studies of earthworm diversity and abundance in relation to environmental issues, land use and climate change.


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