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Published: 2012-09-07
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A taxonomic revision of the southern African species of dauber bees in the genus Megachile Latreille (Apoidea: Megachilidae)

Agricultural Research Council, Plant Protection Research Institute, Biosystematics Programme, Private Bag X134, Queenswood 0121, South Africa / School of Biological and Conservation Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag X01, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3209, South Africa
Hymenoptera bee pollinator Afrotropical Gronoceras Maximegachile Callomegachile Chalicodoma and Pseudomegachile


The five dauber subgenera of Megachile that occur in southern Africa are revised. They are: Gronoceras, Maximegachile,Callomegachile, Chalicodoma and Pseudomegachile. This group comprises 43 valid species, nine of which are new to sci-ence. They are: Megachile (Callomegachile) soutpansbergensis sp.n., Megachile (Chalicodoma) gessorum sp.n., Mega-chile (Chalicodoma) sarahae sp.n., Megachile (Chalicodoma) richtersveldensis sp.n., Megachile (Pseudomegachile) gessisp.n., Megachile (Pseudomegachile) namibensis sp.n., Megachile (Pseudomegachile) pseudotaraxis sp.n., Megachile(Pseudomegachile) taraxis sp.n. and Megachile (Pseudomegachile) pseudotaraxis sp.n. Thirty-four new synonynyms havebeen recorded. Megachile simpsoni race yapiensis Cockerell is a junior synonym of Megachile bombiformis Gerstaecker;Megachile combusta Smith, Megachile nigrocincta Ritsema and Megachile tricolor Friese are synonyms of Megachile cincta(Fabricius); Megachile cerberus var. optima Cockerell is a synonym of Megachile felina Gerstaecker; Megachile chrysor-rhoea Gerstaecker is a synonym of Megachile rufipennis (Fabricius); Megachile perniciosa Friese, Megachile perniciosa var.pallipennis Friese and Megachile aridissima Cockerell are synonyms of Megachile rufiventris Guérin–Méneville; Megachileexcavata Cockerell is a synonym of Megachile demeter (Cockerell); Megachile kamerunensis totafusca Pasteels is a syn-onym of Megachile kamerunensis Friese; Megachile tritacantha Pasteels is a synonym of Megachile sheppardi (Pasteels);Megachile musculus Friese, Megachile johannis Pasteels, Megachile biexcisa Pasteels and Megachile johannis fulvosetosaPasteels are synonyms of Megachile karooensis Brauns; Megachile insolita Pasteels, Megachile reicherti Brauns, Megachileacanthura Cockerell, Megachile bipunctulata Pasteels and Megachile aurulenta Pasteels are synonyms of Megachile muri-na Friese; Megachile cinctiventris Friese, Megachile albopilosa Friese and Megachile lineofasciata Pasteels are synonymsof Megachile niveofasciata Friese; Megachile congruens Friese and Megachile flaviventris Friese are synonyms of Mega-chile schulthessi Friese; Megachile empeyi Pasteels is a synonym of Megachile cradockensis Friese; Megachile torridusSmith, Megachile decemsignata Radoszkowski and Megachile junodi Friese are synonyms of Megachile fervida (Smith);Megachile bullata Friese and Megachile trisecta Pasteels are synonyms of Megachile nasicornis Friese; Megachile laminataFriese and Megachile armatipes Friese are synonyms of Megachile mossambica Gribodo. The nomenclatorial history ofeach species is documented, descriptions are given, food plants are recorded and distribution maps are provided. A key to the included subgenera and keys to the species in each subgenus are given.


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