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Published: 2012-09-07
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A checklist of the moray eels of the world (Teleostei: Anguilliformes: Muraenidae)

Smithsonian Institution, Museum Support Center, MRC-534, 4210 Silver Hill Road, Suitland, MD 20746
Fish Teleostei Anguilliformes Muraenidae


A checklist of the currently recognized species of moray eels (Muraenidae) is presented. One hundred ninety seven speciesare considered to be valid, in 15 genera, and two subfamilies. The account for each valid species contains bibliographicinformation for that species and all synonyms, including primary type specimens and type locality. Also given for eachspecies is the number of vertebrae, the mean vertebral formula (MVF), the general geographic distribution, and any ex-planatory remarks that may be needed. A list of nominal genera and species is given, with the current status of each. Separate lists are provided for names that cannot be assigned to known species (incertae sedis) and those that are unavailable.


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    Lavenberg, R.J. (1992) A new moray eel (Muraenidae, Gymnothorax ) from oceanic islands of the South Pacific. Pacific Science, 46, 58–67.

    Lea, E. (1913) Muraenoid larvae from the "Michael Sars" North Atlantic deep-sea expedition 1910. Scientific Results of the Michael Sars North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition 1910, 3 (pt. 1, no. 7), 1–59, pls. 1–6.

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    McClelland, J. (1844, 5 July) Apodal fishes of Bengal. Calcutta Journal of Natural History, 5, (18), 151–226, pls. 5–14.

    McCosker, J.E. & Randall, J.E. (1977) Three new species of Indo-Pacific moray eels (Pisces, Muraenidae). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Ser. 4), 41, 161–168.

    McCosker, J.E. & Randall, J.E. (1982) Synonymies of Indian Ocean eels, with the description of Gymnothorax enigmaticus, a moray previously known as G. ruppeli. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Ser. 4), 43, 17–24.

    McCosker, J.E. & Randall, J.E. (2007) A new genus and species of mud-dwelling moray eel (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from Indonesia. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Ser. 4), 58, 469–476.

    McCosker, J.E. & Randall, J. E. (2008) A new species of Indo-Pacific moray eel (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from Indonesia. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Ser. 4), 59, 711–714.

    McCosker, J.E. & Rosenblatt, R.H. (1975) The moray eels (Pisces: Muraenidae) of the Galapagos Islands, with new records and synonymies of extralimital species. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Ser. 4), 40, 417–427.

    McCosker, J.E. & Smith, D.G. (1997) Two new Indo-Pacific morays of the genus Uropterygius (Anguilliformes, Muraenidae). Bulletin of Marine Science, 60, 1005–1014.

    McCosker, J.E. & Stewart, A.L. (2006) Additions to the New Zealand marine eel fauna with the description of a new moray, Anarchias supremus (Teleostei, Muraenidae), and comments on the identity of Gymnothorax griffini Whitley & Phillips. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 36, 83–95.

    McCulloch, A.R. (1912) Notes on some Western Australian fishes. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 1, 78–97, pls. 9–13.

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    Miranda-Ribeiro, A. de. (1919) A fauna vertebrada da ilha da Trindade. Arquivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 22, 171–193, pls. 1–6.

    Miranda-Ribeiro, P. de (1953) Tipos das espéces e subespécies do Prof. Alipio de Míranda Ribeiro depositados no Museu Nacional. Arquivos do Museu Nacional de Rio de Janeiro, 42, 389–417.

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    Mowbray, L.L. (1931, 16 Feb.) Contributions to the natural history of Bermuda. Fauna Bermudensis, 1, 8 (unpaged), 3 pls.

    Myers, G.S. & Wade, C.B. (1941, 25 June) Four new genera and ten new species of eels from the Pacific coast of tropical America. Allan Hancock Pacific Expedition 1932–40, 9, 65–111, pls. 7–16.

    Nichols, J.T. (1920, 24 July) A contribution to the ichthyology of Bermuda. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 33, 59–64.

    Ogilby, J.D. (1895, 28 Mar.) Description of a new Australian eel. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales (Ser. 2), 9, 720–721.

    Ogilby, J.D. (1907, 1 Feb.) Symbranchiate and apodal fishes new to Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 20, 1–15.

    Olafsen, E. & Povelsen, B. (1774–75) Reise durch Island, beschrieben von ... E. Olafsen. 1 (pts 1–2), i–xvi + 1–244, pls. 27–50.

    Osório, B. (1911) Peixes colhidos nas visinhancas do archipelago de Cabo Verde. Memorias do Museum Bocage, Lisboa, 2, 51–77, pls. 1–2.

    Parr, A.E. (1930, July) Teleostean shore and shallow-water fishes from the Bahamas and Turks Island. (Scientific results of the third oceanographic expedition of the "Pawnee" 1927). Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection, Yale University, 3 (art. 4), 1–148.

    Peters, W.(C.H.). (1855) Übersicht der in Mossambique beobachteten Seefische. Monatsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaft zu Berlin, 1855, 428–466.

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    Peters, W.(C.H.). (1877) Übersicht der während der von 1874 bis 1876 unter der Commando des Hrn. Capitän z. S. Freiherrn von Schleinitz ausgeführten Reise S. M. S. Gazelle gesammelten und von der Kaiserlichen Admiralität der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften übersandten Fische. Monatsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaft zu Berlin, 1876, 831–854.

    Pfaff, J.R. (1933) Report on the fishes collected by Mr. Harry Madsen during Professor O. Olufsen's Expedition to French Sudan in the years 1927–28. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening, Kjøbenhavn, 94, 273–315, pl. 6.

    Pietschmann, V. (1935) Eine neue Aalfamilie aus den hawaiischen Gewässern. Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, 72, 93–94.

    Pinto, S.Y. (1975, Nov.) Lycodontis guarapariensis, una nueva morena del Atlántico occidental, Brasil (Actinopterygii, Anguilliformes, Muraenidae). Physis Seccion A los Oceanos y sus Organismos, 34, 399–403.

    Playfair, R.L. & Günther, A. (1867) The fishes of Zanzibar, with a list of the fishes of the whole east coast of Africa. London. [Reprinted in 1971, with a new introduction by G. S. Myers and a new forward by A. E. Gunther; Newton K. Gregg, publisher, Kentfield, California.], i–xix + 1–153, pls. 1–21.

    Poey, F. (1858–61) Memorias sobra la historia natural de la Isla de Cuba, acompañadas de sumarios Latinos y extractos en Francés. Tomo 2. La Habana. [Sections have subtitles.]. 2, 1–96 (1858), 97–336 (1860), 337–442 (1861), pls. 1–19.

    Poey, F. (1867–68) Monografia de las Morenas cubanas. Repertorio Fisico-Natural de la Isla de Cuba, 2, 245–268, 2 pls.

    Poey, F. (1870) New species of Cuban fish. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, 9, 317–322.

    Poey, F. (1875) Poissons de l'île de Cuba. Espèces nouvelles décrites. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, 11, 58–70, pls. 7–10.

    Poey, F. (1876, May/Oct.) Enumeratio piscium cubensium (Parte Segunda). Anales de la Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Madrid, 5, 131–176 (3 May) 177–218 (4 Oct.), pls. 4–9.

    Poey, F. (1880) Revisio piscium Cubensium. Anales de la Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Madrid, 9, 243–261, pls. 6–10.

    Poey, F. (2000, Apr.) Ictiologia Cubana. 3 vol. Posthumous transcription of original unpublished manuscript (1884) by D. Guitart Manday. Biblioteca de Clasicos Cubanos. Havana. 1–3, xvi + 1–514; 515–1023; xii, atlas, pls. 1–572.

    Poll, M. (1953, 30 Nov.) Poissons III. Téléostéens Malacoptérygiens. Résultats scientifique. Expédition océanographic belge dans les eaux côtières africaines de l'Atlantique sud (1948–1949), 4 (2), 1–258, pls. 1–8.

    Prokofiev, A. M. (2005) New moray species of genus Enchelycore (Anguilliformes, Muraenidae) from waters of India. Voprosy Ikhtiologii, 45, 702–704. [In Russian. Appeared in English in Journal of Ichthyology, 45, 670–672.]

    Prokoviev, A. M. (2010) Two New Species of Fishes from Families Muraenidae (Anguilliformes) and Mugiloididae (Perciformes) from the Waters of Vietnam. Journal of Ichthyology, 50, 580–589.

    Prokofiev, A. M. & Kukuev E. I. (2009) New findings of rare fish species from the families Mitsukurinidae (Chondrichthyes), Muraenidae, Lophiidae, Macrouridae, and Psychrolutidae (Teleostei) on rises of the Atlantic Ocean with the description of Gymnothorax walvisensis sp. nova. Journal of Ichthyology, 49, 215–227.

    Quoy, J.R.C. & Gaimard, J.P. (1824–25) Description des Poissons. Chapter IX. In: Freycinet, L. de, Voyage autour du Monde...exécuté sur les corvettes de L. M. "L'Uranie" et "La Physicienne," pendant les années 1817, 1818, 1819 et 1820. Paris. pp. 192–401 [1–328 in 1824; 329–616 in 1825], pls. 43–65.

    Rafinesque, C.S. (1810a) Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi e nuove specie di animali e piante della sicilia, con varie osservazioni sopra i medisimi. (Part 1 involves fishes, pp. [i–iv] 3–69 [70 blank], Part 2 with slightly different title, pp. ia–iva + 71–105 [106 blank])., pls. 1–20.

    Rafinesque, C.S. (1810b) Indice d'ittiologia siciliana; ossia, catalogo metodico dei nomi latini, italiani, e siciliani dei pesci, che si rinvengono in Sicilia disposti secondo un metodo naturale e seguito da un appendice che contiene la descrizione de alcuni nuovi pesci siciliana. Messina. Indice d'ittiologia siciliana. 1–70, pls. 1–2.

    Rafinesque, C.S. (1815) Analyse de la nature, ou tableau de l'univers et des corps organisés. Palerme. 224 pp.

    Randall, J.E. & Golani, D. (1995, May) Review of the moray eels (Anguilliformes, Muraenidae) of the Red Sea. Bulletin of Marine Science, 60, 849–880.

    Randall, J.E. & McCosker, J. E. (1975) The eels of Easter Island with a description of a new moray. Contributions in Science (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County), 264, 1–32.

    Ranzani, C. (1839) De novis speciebus piscium. Dissertatio prima. Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis, 4 [1840], 65–83, pls. 8–13. [Published as a separate in 1839, pp. 1–19, pls. 1–6].

    Reece, J.S., Smith, D.G. & Holm, E. (2010) The moray eels of the Anarchias cantonensis group (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae), with description of two new species. Copeia, 2010, 421–430.

    Regan, C.T. (1903) Descriptions de poissons nouveaux faisant partie de la collection du Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève. Revue Suisse Zoologie, 11, 413–418, pls. 13–14.

    Regan, C.T. (1909, 1 Nov.) Descriptions of new marine fishes from Australia and the Pacific. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 8), 4, 438–440.

    Rendahl, H. (1921) The fishes of Easter Island. In: Skottsberg, C. (Ed.), The Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island. 3 (pt. 1), 59–68.

    Richardson, J. (1844–48) Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror,... In: Richardson, J & Gray, J. E. The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. "Erebus & Terror," under the command of Captain Sir J. C. Ross ... during ... 1839–43. London, 2 (2), i–viii + 1–139, pls. 1–60. [1844: 1–16; 1845: 17–52; 1846: 53–74; 1848: i–viii + 75–139]

    Richardson, J. (1845a, Apr.) Ichthyology.––Part 2. In: Hinds, R. B. (Ed.) The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Sulphur, under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, R. N., C. B., F. R. G. S., etc., during the years 1836–42, No. 9. Smith, Elder & Co., London. pp. 71–98, pls. 45–54.

    Richardson, J. (1845b, Oct.) Ichthyology.––Part 3. In: Hinds, R. B. (Ed.) The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Sulphur, under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, R. N., C. B., F.R. G. S., etc., during the years 1836–42, No. 10. London, Smith, Elder & Co., London. pp. 99–150, pls. 55–64.

    Richardson, J. (1846, June/July) Report on the ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 15th meeting [1845], 187–320.

    Risso, A. (1810) Ichthyologie de Nice, ou histoire naturelle des poissons du département des Alpes Maritimes. F. Schoell, Paris. xxxvi + 388 pp, 11 pls.

    Risso, A. (1827, 22 Sept.) Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe méridionale, et particulièrement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes maritimes. F. G. Levrault, Paris & Strasbourg. 3, i–xvi + 1–480, pls. 1–16.

    Roule, L. (1916, 20 May) Notice préliminaire sur quelques espèces nouvelles ou rares des poissons provenant des croisières de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique (Monaco), 320, 1–32.

    Roule, L. (1919) Liste des espèces déterminées par M. le Professeur Léon Vaillant. Appendix. Resultats du compagnes scientifique accouplies sur son Yacht Par Albert 1er, prince souverain de Monaco Campagnes Scientifique Prince Albert I, 52, 129–135.

    Rubinoff, I. (1966, 25 Feb.) Gymnothorax galetae, a new moray eel from the Atlantic coast of Panama. Breviora, 240, 1–4.

    Rüppell, W.P.E.S. (1828–30) Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Africa. Fische des Rothen Meeres. Frankfurt-am-Main. 1–141 + 3 pp., col. pls. 1–35.

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