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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-09-11
Page range: 297–308
Abstract views: 137
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The new fossil lacewings of Grammolingiidae (Neuroptera) from the Jurassic of Central Asia and Mongolia, with notes on biogeography of the family

Paleontological institute of the Russian Academy of Science, Profsouznaya str. 123, 117997, Moscow, Russia
Neuroptera Grammolingiidae Jurassic Mongol-Okhotsk sea


A new genus and three new species of the family Grammolingiidae are described: Protolingia mira gen. et sp. nov. andLitholingia longa sp. nov. from the Sai-Sagul locality (Kyrgyzstan, upper Lower Jurassic–lower Middle Jurassic) and Lep-tolingia oblonga sp. nov. from the Houtiyn-Hotgor locality (Mongolia, Upper Jurassic). Grammolingiidae are recordedfrom the Karatau locality (Kazakhstan, Upper Jurassic). This fossil lacewing family occurred in the South of Central Asiaand in East Asia during the Middle and Upper Jurassic; its distribution was limited by Mongol-Okhotsk and Turgai seas.Grammolingiidae from Sai-Sagul is the oldest record of this family. They demonstrate unusual characteristics for the family, such as the pectinate CuP and the distal fusion of Sc and R1.


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