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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-09-13
Page range: 27–38
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Four new species of the superfamily Galumnoidea (Acari: Oribatida) from Ecuador

Phytosanitary Department, Nizhniy Novgorod Referral Сenter of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Inspection, Gagarin 97, Nizhniy Novgorod 603107, Russia
Section of Ecology, Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, Bratislava 845 06, Slovakia
Acari oribatid mites Galumnoidea Pergalumna Galumnopsis new species Ecuador


Four new oribatid mite species of the superfamily Galumnoidea, Pergalumna paradecoratissima sp. nov., Pergalumnaparalongisetosa sp. nov., Pergalumna ecuadorensis sp. nov. and Galumnopsis lanceosensilla sp. nov., are described fromEcuador. The genus Galumnopsis is recorded for the first time for the Ecuador. Pergalumna paradecoratissima sp. very similar in having the combination of foveolate prodorsum, striate notogaster, setiform sensilli, interlamellar setaeshorter than lamellar and rostral setae, absence of anterior notogastral margin and three pairs of notogastral porose areas,to Pergalumna decoratissima Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio, 1986 from Brazil, however it differs from the latter by morphologyof rostrum, body size, surface of anal plates and length of epimeral setae. Pergalumna paralongisetosa sp. nov. is verysimilar in having the combination of setiform sensilli, long prodorsal setae, absence of anterior notogastral margin, threepairs of notogastral porose areas and long adanal setae ad 1 and ad 2 to Pergalumna longisetosa Balogh, 1960 from CentralAfrica, however it differs from the latter by body size, lengths of sensilli and interlamellar setae, absence of medial pore,length of epimeral setae. Pergalumna ecuadorensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from all similar species by having theround rostrum, setiform sensilli, long and setiform prodorsal setae, absence of anterior notogastral margin, smooth bodysurface and three pairs of oval notogastral porose areas, and by the very long interlamellar setae. Galumnopsis lanceosen-silla sp. nov. can be distinguished from all similar species (with smooth body surface) by the morphology of sensilli which are lanceolate, with tooth in distal part.


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