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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-09-13
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Checklist and distribution atlas of the Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of Costa Rica

INBio, Apdo. 22-3100, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica
Universidad EARTH, Apdo. 4442-1000, San José, Costa Rica
Coleoptera checklist species revalidation new synonym new combination invasive species mitochondrial DNA barcoding analysis


The 182 species of Scarabaeinae known to occur in Costa Rica are listed with synonymies included. We place Uroxys mac-rocularis Howden & Young as a synonym of U. boneti Pereira & Halffter (new synonym); we also place Uroxys depres-sifrons Howden & Young as a synonym of U. pauliani Balthasar (new synonym). We conducted a mitochondrial DNAcytochrome oxidase I barcoding analysis in order to clarify some taxonomic uncertainties with Phanaeus pyrois Bates andSulcophanaeus noctis (Bates). We elevate Phanaeus pyrois malyi Arnaud to Phanaeus malyi and revalidate Phanaeus ex-celsus Bates as valid species. We consider the species Dichotomius nevermanni Luederwaldt as incertae sedis. A CostaRican distribution map is provided for all species except Dichotomius costaricensis, which is only known from a countryrecord. We report, map, and estimate the spread of the invasive species Euoniticellus intermedius (Reiche) for Central America, from Chiapas to Costa Rica.


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