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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-09-17
Page range: 50–62
Abstract views: 82
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A new highland species of treefrog of the Dendropsophus columbianus group (Anura: Hylidae) from the Andes of Colombia

Grupo Herpetológico de Antioquia, Universidad de Antioquia, A.A. 1226, Medellín, Colombia Current address: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, Faculdade de Biociências, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Ipiranga 6681, CEP 90619-900, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
Grupo Herpetológico de Antioquia, Universidad de Antioquia, A.A. 1226, Medellín, Colombia
Amphibia Andes external morphology tadpole taxonomy


A new species of tree frog of the genus Dendropsophus is described from the highlands of the Cordillera Central of theAndes, departamento de Antioquia, Colombia (06º58’50’’N, 75º08’07’’W, 1700 m a.s.l.). Dendropsophus norandinus sp.nov. differs from other Andean Dendropsophus previously described by the following combination of traits: dorsal skinsmooth with minute scattered tubercles; axillary membrane developed; distal subarticular tubercle of fourth finger bifid;ventral surfaces cream with variable brown markings on gula, throat, and outer region of belly; medial area of the bellyimmaculate; in life axilla and groin pale yellow in males and bright orange in females; toe webbing extensive [I (1–1+ )–(11/2–13/4 ) II 1–(2–2- ) III 1–(2–2- ) IV (2–2- )–1 V], and tadpoles with tooth row formula of 0/2. On the basis of morphologicalsimilarities, principally between tadpoles, we tentatively assign this new species to the Dendropsophus columbianus group.


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