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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-09-27
Page range: 27–45
Abstract views: 134
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New, mainly southern hemisphere, freshwater families of Amphipoda (Crustacea), together with a description of the first freshwater calliopiid, Lutriwita bradburyi gen. nov. et sp. nov.

Crustacea Section, Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, New South Wales, 2010, Australia
School of Biological, Environmental and Earth Sciences, National University of Ireland Cork, Enterprise Centre, Lee Fields, Cork, Ireland
Crustacea Amphipoda Tasmania Australia taxonomy new family new genus new species Austroniphargidae Calliopiidae Chillagoeidae Crangoweckeliidae Dussartiellidae Falklandellidae Giniphargidae Pseudingolfiellidae Pseudoniphargidae Sandroidae


Nine new freshwater amphipod families are described: Chillagoeidae fam. nov.; Crangoweckeliidae fam. nov.;Dussartiellidae fam. nov.; Falklandellidae fam. nov.; Giniphargidae fam. nov.; Pseudingolfiellidae fam. nov.; Sandroidaefam. nov.; Sensonatoridae fam. nov. and Uronyctidae fam. nov. The subfamily Seborgiinae Holsinger, 1980 is raised tofamily level and two families, Austroniphargidae Iannilli, Krapp & Ruffo, 2011 and Pseudoniphargidae Karaman, 1993,are revised. The first freshwater example of the extensive marine family Calliopiidae, Lutriwita bradburyi gen. nov., sp. nov., is described from Australia.


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