In Argentina, 14 genera and 41 species are recorded, belonging to 5 subfamilies: Aneurinae, Aradinae, Calisiinae, Isodeminae and Mezirinae. Aneurosoma dissimile (Bergroth); Aneurus bosqui Kormilev; Aphleboderrhis comata Champion; Aphleboderrhis pilosa Stål; Aradus angustellus (Blanchard); Aradus brasiliensis Usinger; Aradus mexicanus Usinger; Aradus penningtoni Drake; Calisius confusus Kormilev; Dysodius lunatus (Fabricius); Iralunelus bergi (Kormilev); Iralunelus monrosi (Kormilev); Iralunelus subdipterus (Burmeister); Isodermus gayi (Spinola); Kormilevia dureti (Kormilev); Lobocara oblonga Bergroth; Mezira americana (Spinola); Mezira argentinensis (Kormilev); Mezira birabeni (Kormilev 1953); Mezira bonaerensis Kormilev; Mezira bruchi (Kormilev); Mezira formosa (Kormilev); Mezira granuliger (Stål); Mezira neonigripennis Kormilev; Mezira neonigripennis misionensis Kormilev; Mezira nigripennis Usinger; Mezira paragranuliger Kormilev; Mezira proseni Kormilev; Mezira regularis (Champion); Mezira reuteri (Bergroth); Mezira saltensis Kormilev; Mezira spissigrada Kormilev; Mezira tartagalensis Kormilev; Mezira vianai Kormilev; Neuroctenus centralis (Berg); Neuroctenus punctulatus (Burmeister); Neuroctenus subandinus Kormilev; Neuroctenus terginus (Stål); Notapictinus martinezi (Kormilev); Notapictinus sanmigueli (Kormilev); and Placogenys clarkei Kormilev.
Amyot, C.J.B. & Serville, J.G.A. (1843) Histoire naturelles des insectes. Hémiptères. In: Suites à Buffon. Fain et Thunot, Paris, lxxvi, 681 pp., 12 pls.
Bachmann, A.O. (1999) Catálogo de los tipos de Heteroptera (Insecta) conservados en el Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, nueva serie, 1(2), 191–230.
Berg, C. (1879) Hemiptera Argentina: Ensayo de una monografía de los Hemípteros, Heterópteros y Homópteros de la República Argentina. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina. 7, 41–47 [Published separately with modified title, “Hemiptera Argentina, Enumeravit Speciesque Novas”, with continuous pagination, i–viii, 1–316, and the “Addenda” and “Index”, which did not appear in the Anales until 1880, 9, 5–25; 58–75)].
Berg, C. (1892) Nova Hemiptera Argentinae et Uruguayensis. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina, 34, 202–204.
Berg, C. (1896) Contribución al estudio de los Hemípteros de Tierra del Fuego. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, 5, 131–137.
Bergroth, E. (1886) Zur Kenntnis der Aradiden. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 36, 53–60.
Bergroth, E. (1887a) Synopsis of the Genus Neuroctenus Fieber. Öfversikt Finska Vetenskaps. Societetens Förhandlingar, 29, 173–189.
Bergroth, E. (1887b) Ueber Brachyrhynchus centralis Berg. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 6, 284.
Bergroth, E. (1889) Novas Aradidarum species. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 8, 49–52.
Bergroth, E. (1894) Fortsatta bidrag tíll Aradidernas kannedom. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 15, 97–118.
Bergroth, E. (1892) Aradidae Novae. Revue d´ Entomologie, 11, 259–261.
Bergroth, E. (1894) Fortsatta bidrag tíll Aradidernas kannedom. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 15, 97–118.
Bergrot,h E. (1914) Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Aneurus Curtis (Hem. Aradidae). Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, 12, 89–108.
Blanchard, C.E. (1840) Histoire Naturelles des Insectes. Orthoptères, Néuroptères, Hémiptères, Hyménoptères,Lépidoptères et Diptères. In: F. L. de Laporte. Histoire Naturelle des animaux articulés. Paris, 3, 672 pp.
Blanchard, E. (1852) Orden VII: Hemipteros. In: Gay, C. (Ed.), Historia física y política de Chile. Zoología. Maukle & Renou, París, 7, pp. 113–320.
Blöte, H.C. (1965) Catalogue of the Aradidae in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Histo-rie. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 75, 1–41.
Burmeister, H.C.C. (1835–1839) Handbuch der Entomologie. 2 vol. T. Enslin, Berlin. [1835 1, i–xii, 1–400; 1839 2, 757–1050].
Champion, G.C. (1898) Insecta. Rhynchota. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera).vol. 2. In: Goodwin, F. & Salvin, O. (Eds.) Biologia Centrali-Americana. London, 33–192.
Contreras, E.F., Neder L.E. & Coscarón M.C. (2011) Contribution to the knowledge of flat bugs from the temperate South America (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 6(2), 764–768.
Coscarón, M.C. (2000) Los ejemplares tipo de Aradoidea, Lygaeoidea y Pyrrhocoroidea (Heteroptera) depositados en el Museo de la Plata. Serie Técnica y Didáctica, Museo de La Plata, 40, 43–48.
Coscarón, M.C. Aradidae. In. The Catalogue of the Heteroptera or true bugs of Argentina. Ed MC Coscarón. Zootaxa.
Coscarón, M.C. & Contreras, E.F. (2012) Catalog of Aradidae (Hemiptera:Heteoptera) for the Neotropical Region. Zootaxa, 3466, 1–103.
Curtis, J. (1824–1839) British Entomology, being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland; containing coloured figures from nature of the most rare and beautiful species, and in many instances of the plants upon which they are found. 16 vol., 769 plate-sheets. [Plates issued and numbered without regard to orders or families; author's suggestions included assembling plates of Hemiptera as volume 7 when binding]. [The above dates, 1824–1839 follow China, 1943, 217–218].
Douglas, J.W. & Scott, J. (1865) The British Hemiptera. Volume I. Hemiptera Heterop-tera. R. Hardwicke, London. xii + 627 pp, 21 plates.
Drake, C.J. (1942) Two New American Species of the Genus Aradus Fabricius (Hemiptera). Revista de Entomologia, Rio de Janeiro, 13, 151–154.
Drake, C.J. & Harris, H.M. (1944) South American Aradidae (Hemiptera) in the Carnegie Museum. Annals of Carnegie Museum, 30, 39–43.
Erichson, W.F. (1842) Beítrag zur Insektenfauna von Vandiemensland, mit Besonderer Beruecksichtigung der geographischen Verbreitung der Insekten. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 8, 83–287.
Fabricius, J.C. (1775) Systema Entomologiae, sistens Insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. Korte, Flensburgi et Lipsiae. xxvii, 832 pp.
Fabricius, J.C. (1794) Rhyngota. In Entomologia systematica emendate et aucta, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus, 4 (I–IV), 1–229.
Fabricius, J.C. (1803) Systema Rhyngotorum secundum ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. C. Reichard, Brunsvigae. x, 335 pp
Froeschner, R.C. (1981) Heteroptera Or True Bugs Of Ecuador: A Partial Catalog. Smithsonian Contribution to Zoology, 322, 1–147.
Froeschner, R.C. (1999) True Bugs (Heteroptera) of Panamá: A Symoptic Catalog As a Contribution to the Study of Panamanian Diversity. Gainesville, Florida: American Entomological Institute, 61, 393 pp.
Guérin-Menéville, F.E. (1829-45) Iconographie du Regne. Animal; Paris, 3, 349.
Heiss, E. (1990) A review of the genus Dysodius Lepeletier & Serville, 1828, with descriptions of two new species (Heteroptera: Aradidae). Anales del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Serie Zoologica, 61(2), 279–296.
Heiss, E. (1993) Type revision of Neotropical Aradus described by C.Stål (Heteroptera, Aradidae). Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 83, 119–125.
Heiss, E. (1994) Aradus pericarti, a new species from South America (Heteroptera, Aradidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 102(1), 102–106.
Heiss, E. and Moragues, G. (2009) Flat Bugs of French Guyana—a preliminary faunal list (Heteroptera, Aradidae). Linzer Biologische Beiträge, 41(2), 1659–1675.
Heliovara, K. (2000) Flat Bugs (Aradidae), pp 513–517. In: Schaefer, C. W. and A. R. Panizzi (eds). Heteroptera of Economic Importance. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 828 pp.
Henry, T.J. (2009) Biodiversity of Heteroptera. In: Foottit, R. & Adler, P. (Eds.) Insect Biodiversity: Science and Society. Wiley-Blackwell, 223–263.
Herrich-Schaeffer, J.A.W. (1839-53) Die Wanzenartigen. Insekten, 8, 119.
Hubbard, H.G. (1982) The Inhabitants of a Fungus. Canadian Entomologist, 24, 250–255.
Kormilev, N.A. (1951) Aradidae Argentinos I (Hemiptera). Comunicaciones del Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales Buenos Aires, Zoologia 2(6), 83–95.
Kormilev, N.A. (1952a) Notas Hemipterologicas. Dusenia 3(1), 51–56.
Kormilev, N.A. (1952b) Notes on Neotropical Aradidae with Description of One New Species (Hemiptera). The Pan Pacific Entomologist, 23(2), 119–122.
Kormilev, N.A. (1953a) Aradidae (Hemiptera) Argentinae II. Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 13, 207–256.
Kormilev, N.A. (1953b) The first Apterous Aradid from Argentina (Hemiptera). Dusenia, 4(2), 125–126.
Kormilev, N.A. (1958) Notes on the Aradidae in the U.S. National Museum (Hemiptera). Proceedings of the United Stated National Museum 109, 209–222.
Kormilev N.A. (1959) Notas sobre Aradidae Neotropicales, V (Hemiptera). Sobre el género Pictinus Stål, 1873. Revista de la Sociedad Uruguaya de Entomología, 3, 21–24.
Kormilev, N.A. (1960a) Notas sobre Aradidae Neotropicales VIII (Hemiptera). Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina, 169(5–6), 83–94
Kormilev, N.A. (1960b) Notes on Neotropical Aradidae XI (Hemiptera). Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 68, 208–220.
Kormilev, N.A. (1962) Notes on Aradidae in the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Arkiv för Zoology Serie 2, 15(14), 255–273.
Kormilev, N.A. (1965) Notes on Neotropical Aradidae XV (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Opuscula Zoologica, 84, 1–7.
Kormilev, N.A. (1966) Notes on the Aradidae in the U. S. National Museum, IV (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Proceedings of the United Stated National Museum, 119(3548), 1–25.
Kormilev, N.A. (1967) On Some Aradidae from Brazil, Argentina and Laos (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Opuscula Zoologica, 100, 1–10.
Kormilev, N.A. (1968) Notes on Neotropical Aradidae XVIII (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia, 22(6), 47–56.
Kormilev, N.A. (1975) Neotropical Aradidae in the collections of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Science, 122, 1–28.
Kormilev, N.A. (1976) A New Genus and Seven New Species of Neotropical Aradidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 36, 735–743.
Kormilev, N.A. (1980) Sobre especies Argentinas del género Aneurus, Curtis, 1825. Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 36, 53–56.
Kormilev, N.A. and Froeschner, R.C. (1987) Flat Bugs of the World. A Synonymic List (Heteroptera: Aradidae). Entomography, 5, 1–246.
Kormilev, N.A. and Heiss, E. (1979) Four New Species and Lectotype Designations of Some Neotropical Aradidae. Entomologische Arbeiten Museum G. Frey, 28, 93–118.
Laporte, F.L. (1833) Essai d'une classification systématique de l'ordre des Hémiptères (Hémiptères-Hétéroptères Latr). Magazin de Zoologie (Guérin), 1833 2, 17–75, suppl. 76–88, pl. 51–55. [This dating follows the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature’s Direction 63 (1956)].
Lethierry, L. & Séverin, G. (1896) Catalogue général des Hémiptères. Volumes 1–3. F. Hayez, Bruxelles and Berlin, 275pp.
Maes, J.M. (1991) El Género Dysodius (Heteroptera-Aradidae) en Nicaragua. Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia, 15, 47–49.
Mayr, G. (1866) Diagnosen neuer Hemipteren III. Verhandllungen der kaiserlich-köngiglichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 16, 361–366.
Mayr, G. (1868) Hemiptera. Eine Reise der Oesterrechischen. Fregatte Novara um die Erde 2, 1–204.
Miller, N.C.E. (1938) A New Subfamily of Malaysian Dysodüdae (Rhynchota). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, serie 11, 1, 498–510.
Oshanin, B.F. (1908) Verzeichnis der pláearktischen Hemipteren mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Verteilung im Russischen Reiche. Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l’ Académie Impériale des Sciences, l(2), 395–586.
Parshley, H.M. (1921) Essay on the American Species of Aradus (Hemiptera). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 47, 1–106.
Pennington, M.S. (1921) Lista de los Hemípteros Heterópteros de la República Argentina. Segunda parte: Familia Aradidae, Liedidae, Ligaeidae, Phyrrhocoridae, Tigididae, Enicocephalidae, Phimatidae, Reduviidae, Nabidae, Cimicidae, Miridae (parte), 17–28; Belostomatidae, Gelastocoridae, Corixidae, 29–47. Buenos Aires
Picchi, V.D. (1977) A Systematic Review of the Genus Aneurus Curtis of North and Middle America and the West Indies (Hemiptera: Aradidae). Quaestiones Entomologicae, 13, 155–308.
Pirán, A. (1948) Contribución al conocimiento de la dispersion geográfica de los Hemípteros Neotropicales. Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 5, 5–17.
Porter, C.E. (1930) Nota sobre dos Aradidos Chilenos. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 34, 149–151.
Prado, E.C. (2008) Conocimiento actual de Hemiptera, Heteroptera de Chile con lista de especies. Boletín Museo Nacional de Chile, 57, 31–75.
Reed, E.C. (1898–1901) Sinopsis de los Hemípteros de Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural,5, 23–24.
Schuh, R.T. & Slater, J.A. (1995) True Bugs of the World (Hemiptera: Heteroptera): Classification and Natural History. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 336 pp.
Signoret, V. (1863) Revision des Hémiptères du Chile. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France série 4, 3, 541–588.
Signoret, V. (1885) Liste des Hemipteres Recuillis a la Terre de Feu par la Mission de la Romanche et Description des Especes Nouvelles. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France serie 6, 5, 63–70.
Spinola, M. (1852) Hemipteros. In: Gay, C. (Ed.) Historia Fisica y Política de Chile. Maulde and Renou, Paris. Zoología, 7, 113–320.
Stål, C. (1854) Nya Hemiptera. Öfversikt Kongliga Vetenskaps.-Akademiens Förhandlingar, 11, 231–255.
Stål, C. (1859) Hemiptera, species novas descripsit. Konglika Svenska Fregattens Eugenies Resa Omkring Jorden. IV. Zoologi, Insekter 219–298.
Stål, C. (1860) Bidrag till Rio Janeiro-Traktens Hemipter-fauna. Part I. Kongliga Svenska VetenskapsAkademiens Handlingar, 2(7), l–84.
Stål, C. (1862) Hemiptera mexicana enumeravit speciesque novas descripsit. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 23, 81–118, 273–281, 289–325, 437–462.
Stål, C. (1865) Hemiptera africana. III. Offic. Norstedtiana, Holmiae, 200 pp.
Stål, C. (1866) Analecta Hemipterologica. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift., 10, 151–172, 381–394.
Stål, C. (1868) Hemiptera Fabriciana. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar, 7(11), 1–148.
Stål, C. (1873) Enumeratio Hemipterorum: Bidrag till en företeckning öfver alla Hittils kanda Hemiptera, jemte systematiska meddelanden. Parts I-V. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, Part III, 11, 1–163.
Ŝtys, P. (1974) Morphological and taxonomic notes on the Aneurinae, with Description of Aneurus (Iralunelus subgen. n.) gallicus sp. n. from France, and a world list of species (Heteroptera, Aradidae). Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca, 71, 86–104.
Usinger, R.L. (1936) Studies in the American Aradidae with Descriptions of New Species. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 29, 490–516.
Usinger, R.L. (1940) A New Species of Aradus from Brazil (Hemiptera, Aradidae). Revista de Entomologia, Rio de Janeiro,11(3), 639–642.
Usinger, R.L. & Matsuda, R. (1959) Classification of the Aradidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). London British Museum, 416 pp.
Uhler, P.R. (1884) Order VI. Hemiptera. In: Kingsley, J. S. (Ed.), The Standard Natural History. S. E. Cassino & Co., Boston, Massachusetts, 2, 204–296.
Van Duzee, E.P. (1916) Check List of the Hemiptera (Excepting the Aphididae, Aleurodidae and Coccidae) of America, North of México. New York Entomological Society, pp. 15–17.
Viana, M.J. & Williner, G.J. (1972) Evaluación de la fauna entomológica y aracnológica de las provincias cuyanas. Primera comunicación. Acta Scientifica, serie Entomología 5, 1–29.
Viana, M.J. & Williner, G.J. (1978) Evaluación de la fauna entomológica y aracnológica de las provincias centrales y cuyanas (cuarta comunicación). Acta Scientifica, serie Entomología, 11, 1–77.
Walker, F. (1873) Corticolae Catalogue of the Specimens of Hemiptera Heteroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Part VII, 6–44.
Wolff, J.F. (1811) Icones Cimicum descriptionibus illustratae. Erlangen, 5, 168.
Wygodzinsky, P. (1943) Notas sobre as especies brasileiras do gênero Aradus (Aradidae, Hemiptera). Revista de Entomología, Rio de Janeiro, 14(3), 502–510.
Wygodzinsky, P. (1944) Additional notes on the Brazilian species of the genus Aradus (Aradidae, Hemiptera). Revista de Entomología, Rio de Janeiro, 15(3), 329–331.
Wygodzinsky, P. (1946) Contribution towards the knowledge of the Isoderminae (Aradidae, Hemiptera). Revista de Entomología, Rio de Janeiro, 17(1–2), 266–273.