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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-01
Page range: 49–71
Abstract views: 123
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The collembolan fauna of Maestrazgo caves (Teruel, Spain) with description of three new species

Department of Zoology and Ecology, University of Navarra, PO Box 177, 31080 Pamplona, Navarra, Spain
Associació Catalana de Bioespeleologia, BIOSP. Moreres, 3. 43890 L´Hospitalet, Tarragona
Department of Zoology and Ecology, University of Navarra, PO Box 177, 31080 Pamplona, Navarra, Spain
Collembola Arrhopalitidae Pygmarrhopalites Oncopoduridae Oncopodura biospeleology taxonomy


Three new species of cavernicolous Collembola belonging to genera Pygmarrhopalites and Oncopodura from five cavesat El Maestrazgo (Teruel, Spain) are described: Pygmarrhopalites maestrazgoensis sp. nov., P. cantavetulae sp. nov. andOncopodura fadriquei Jordana & Baquero sp. nov. In addition five other species have been found in the same caves:Heteromurus nitidus (Templeton, 1836), Pseudosinella encrusae Gisin & Gama, 1969 (second record of the species),Megalothorax minimus Willem, 1900, Protaphorura aconae Arbea & Jordana 1994 (second record of the species), andSchaefferia decemoculata (Stach, 1939) (sensu: Thibaud 1970). The explorations of cave fauna in these cavities has beencarried out by the "Associació Catalana de Bioespeleologia” under the sponsorship of CEMAT (Centro de Estudios del Maestrazgo Turolense).


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