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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-02
Page range: 25–46
Abstract views: 115
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Kunanyia stephaniae gen. nov. & sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Ennominae): an unusual and rare diurnal moth from the mountains of Tasmania

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, GPO Box 1164, Hobart, Tasmania
University of Tasmania, Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay, Hobart. Current address: College of Nature Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, the People's Republic of China, 510640
Lepidoptera Nacophorini Tasmania eggs larvae leaf litter dolerite scree Eucalyptus


We describe the adult, egg, and all larval stages of a new geometrid moth, Kunanyia stephaniae gen. nov. and sp. nov. Although the genus can be placed in the tribe Nacophorini on key morphological features, it possesses a unique suite of characters that distinguish it from other described nacophorines. Larvae reared from eggs obtained from field-collected females, survived to maturity feeding on the dead leaves of Eucalyptus coccifera and other Eucalyptus spp, an unusual foodplant for Geometridae. To date, adults have only been collected in montane habitats on Mt Wellington near Hobart and Mt Bishop and Clerk, Maria Island, Tasmania.


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