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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-04
Page range: 26–42
Abstract views: 105
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A new cave-dwelling endemic Ischyropsalis C.L. Koch, 1839 (Opiliones: Dyspnoi: Ischyropsalididae) from the karstic region of Cantabria (Spain)

Gestión del Patrimonio Bioespeleológico, IMPRESS GroupTM Consulting S.L., P.O. Box 879, 39080 Santander, Cantabria, Spain
Gestión del Patrimonio Bioespeleológico, IMPRESS GroupTM Consulting S.L., P.O. Box 879, 39080 Santander, Cantabria, Spain
Opiliones Ischyropsalis cantabrica new species taxonomy SEM ultra-structure cave-dwelling fauna Basque-Cantabrian Mountains North Spain


Ischyropsalis cantabrica sp. n. is described from coastal limestone caves in the municipal districts of Alfoz de Lloredo,Ruiloba, Udías and Cabezón de la Sal, in northeastern Cantabria, northern Spain. Its systematic position is discussed asare the differences to morphologically similar and geographically proximal species. Ischyropsalis cantabrica sp. n. is astrictly troglobitic species, adapted to deep cave environment. Discrimination of males is possible by genital morphological characters and especially by the unique shape of the cheliceral apophyses.


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