Illustrated descriptions of the larvae of the water mite species of Unionicola figuralis (Koch, 1836), Neumania imitata Koenike, 1908 and redescription of the larva of N. spinipes (Müller, 1776) are presented.References
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Soar, C.D. & Williamson, W. (1927) The British Hydracarina. Vol. II.—London, Ray Society, 112, 8+215+ plates 21–40.
Smith, I.M. & Oliver, D.R. (1986) Review of parasitic associations of larval water mites Acari: Parasitengona: Hydrachnida) with insect hosts. The Canadian Entomologist, 118, 407–472.
Tuzovskij, P.V. (1985) On the taxonomic status of the water mite Unionicola dresscheri (Bess., 1946) (Unionicolidae, Acariformes). Biologicheskie Nauki (Moscow), 10, 27–33 (in Russian).
Tuzovskij, P.V. (1987) Morphology and Postembryonic Development in Water Mites. Nauka, Moscow, 172 pp. (in Russian).
Viets, K. (1908) Hydrachnologische Beitrage. Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen, 19 (2), 267–275.
Viets, K. (1956) Die Milben des Süβwassers und des Meeres. Hydrachnellae et Halacaridae (Acari). Zweiter und dritter Teil: Katalog und Nomenklator. Jena: G. Fischer, pp. 1–870.
Wainstein, B.A. (1980) Key to water mite larvae. Nauka, Leningrad, 238 pp. (in Russian).