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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-09
Page range: 77–86
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Validation and new synonymies proposed for Cheiracanthium species from South and Southeast Asia (Araneae, Clubionidae)

Insect Endocrinology and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand
Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK
Araneae Eutichurinae spider validation new synonymy misidentification Burma Thailand India China


The primary types of Cheiracanthium species from South and Southeast Asia were examined. Cheiracanthium insigne O.P.–Cambridge, 1874 is considered a senior synonym of Eutittha gracilipes Thorell, 1895 (male). Eutittha truncata Thorell,1895 (female) is not a conspecific female of E. gracilipes, provisionally threated as a separate species and proposed hereas a valid taxon because it does not resemble the female of C. insigne. Cheiracanthium rupicolum (Thorell, 1897) is re-garded as a senior synonym of C. gyirongense Hu & Li, 1987. The Himalaya form of C. triviale (Thorell, 1895), whichwas mentioned and illustrated in Gravely (1931), was misidentified and belongs to C. rupicolum. Cheiracanthium insu-lanum (Thorell, 1878) bears strong resemblance to that of C. melanostomum (Thorell, 1895); they probably belong to the same species.


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