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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-11
Page range: 84–88
Abstract views: 97
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Skiallagma baueri Förster 1906, a geographically misplaced damselfly, is a junior synonym of Xiphiagrion cyanomelas Selys 1876 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Plant Pest Diagnostic Branch, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, United States of America
Odonata damselfly Coenagrionidae taxonomy synonymy South America Southeast Asia


Based on comparison of specimens and descriptions, Skiallagma baueri Förster, 1906, described from São Paulo State, Brazil and known only from its type series, is found to be a junior synonym of Xiphiagrion cyanomelas Selys, 1876, a species from the Philippines and Southeast Asia.


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