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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-12
Page range: 1–37
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A new dasyurid marsupial from eastern Queensland, Australia: the Buff-footed Antechinus, Antechinus mysticus sp. nov. (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae)

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, 4001, Australia
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, 4001, Australia
Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane, Queensland, 4101, Australia
Mammalia Antechinus flavipes Antechinus subtropicus Antechinus stuartii morphological genetic evolutionary south-east Queensland north-east New South Wales


Antechinus mysticus sp. nov. occurs in coastal Australia, ranging from just north of the Queensland (Qld)/New SouthWales (NSW) border to Mackay (mid-east Qld), and is sympatric with A. flavipes (Waterhouse) and A. subtropicus VanDyck & Crowther in south-east Qld. The new species can be distinguished in the field, having paler feet and tail base thanA. flavipes and a greyish head that merges to buff-yellow on the rump and flanks, compared with the more uniform brownhead and body of A. subtropicus and A. stuartii Macleay. Features of the dentary can also be used for identification: A.mysticus differs from A. flavipes in having smaller molar teeth, from A. subtropicus in having a larger gap between frontand rear palatal vacuities, and from A. stuartii in having a generally broader snout. Here, we present a morphologicalanalysis of the new species in comparison with every member of the genus, including a discussion of genetic structure andbroader evolutionary trends, as well as an identification key to species based on dental characters. It seems likely that theknown geographic range of A. mysticus will expand as taxonomic focus on the genus is concentrated in south-east Queensland and north-east New South Wales.


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