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Published: 2012-10-12
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The authorship and type localities of bird taxa (Aves) collected during the John Ross 1818 Expedition to the Baffin Bay, northwestern Atlantic Ocean

Department of Zoology, National Museum, Václavské náměstí 68, CZ-115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Aves nomenclature taxonomy Greenland 19th century expeditions Anatidae Tetraonidae Laridae Stercorariidae Alcidae


The 1818 expedition to the Baffin Bay, headed by Captain John Ross, resulted in the description of at least six bird speciesand four bird genera believed to be new to science. My review of publications relevant to the history of the expedition andto its ornithological outputs resulted in the correction of authorship of several of these names, as follows: The genus So-materia (Anatidae) dates from Leach (in Anonymous 1818), not from Leach (in Ross 1819c). The author of the generaClangula (Anatidae) and Xema (Laridae) is Ross (1819c), not Leach (in Ross 1819c). The species Larus sabini (Laridae)dates from J. Sabine (in Anonymous 1819a), not from J. Sabine (1819). The subspecies of Lagopus mutus (Tetraonidae)from western Greenland should be called Lagopus mutus dispar Ross, 1820c, not Lagopus mutus saturatus Salomonsen, 1950, if recognized. Other corrections consider names which are currently not used as valid.


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