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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-15
Page range: 79–87
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Two New Species of Halictophagidae (Insecta: Strepsiptera) from the Brazilian Amazon Basin

Integrated Plant Protection Center and Department of Horticulture Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR 98105. USA Mailing address: 5556 33rd. Ave. NE. Seattle, WA 98105 USA
Strepsiptera Halictophagus Coriophagus Strepsiptera Neotropicais biodiversidade da Amazonia


A sample of ca. 130 specimens from the Collection of Strepsiptera of the National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA) contained species in four families: Corioxenidae, Bohartillidae, Myrmecolacidae, and Halictophagidae. First results of the study of that sample are presented with descriptions of two new species of Halictophagidae: Halictophagus urucui sp. n. and Coriophagus jennyae sp. n. The latter species is the first record of Coriophagus in the Western Hemisphere; the genus distribution had been limited so far to Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the Solomon Islands. These new records contribute to an expanded view of the biodiversity of the Strepsiptera fauna in the Brazilian Amazon Basin.


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