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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-16
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Systematics and ecology of species of the Polydora-complex (Polychaeta: Spionidae) of the Black Sea

Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Facultatea de Biologie, B-dul Carol I, nr. 20A, 700507 Iaşi, România
Annelida Polydora cornuta Polydora websteri Dipolydora quadrilobata identification key non-native species cryptogenic species


The taxonomic, morphological, biological, behavioural and ecological characteristics of three species of spionid poly-chaetes from the Black Sea belonging to the Polydora-complex are summarised and discussed on the basis of the author′scollections along Romanian coasts as well as on material from other parts of the Black Sea. It is apparent that at least twospecies have been included under the name′Polydora ciliata′ in the Black Sea literature. All previous records of Polydorathat bore into calcareous substrates are most likely Polydora websteri. The individuals building muddy tubes on all typesof substrata at depths less than 20 m, previously identified as P. ciliata or P. limicola, are P. cornuta. The presence of trueP. ciliata in the Black Sea is questionable and older records must be re-evaluated. Dipolydora quadrilobata is a new recordfor the Romanian coast of the Black Sea, and has established dense populations in deeper (>30 m) soft bottom sediments.Descriptions and figures of these species, as well as a key to actual species of the Polydora-complex occurring in the Black Sea, are provided.


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