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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-26
Page range: 43–54
Abstract views: 132
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Medusoids in the life cycle of Dentitheca dendritica (Nutting, 1900) and Nemalecium gracile sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa)

Hydrozoan Research Laboratory, 405 Chemin des Gatiers, 83170 Tourves, France
Département Scientifique Interfacultaire EA929-AIHP-GEODE (BIOSPHERES), Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Campus de Schoelcher, 97275 Schoelcher, Martinique, France Océanvironnement, Résidence Madiana Plage, App. B21, 97233 Schoelcher, Martinique, France
Océanvironnement, Résidence Madiana Plage, App. B21, 97233 Schoelcher, Martinique, France
Coelenterata hydroid thecate new species Caribbean Martinique


Gonothecae of both sexes and the non-released medusoids of Dentitheca dendritica (Nutting, 1900) are described for the firsttime. The genus Nemalecium Bouillon, 1986 is enriched through the discovery of a second species, N. gracile sp. nov., inMartinique, Lesser Antilles. Morphological data and comparison with material provisionally assigned to N. lighti (Hargitt,1924) are provided. The monoor dioecious colonies of N. gracile produce a swimming cryptomedusoid gonophore. Thecnidome of Nemalecium is shown to comprise not only pseudostenoteles and microbasic mastigophores, but also two additional nematocyst types unreported so far.


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