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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-30
Page range: 1–95
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A revision of Epimetopus Lacordaire, the New World hooded shore beetles (Coleoptera: Epimetopidae)

Department of Entomology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
Coleoptera Epimetopidae Epimetopus Lacordaire new species South America Central America semiaquatic insects holotype digital images


The New World genus Epimetopus Lacordaire, 1854, is revised, based on the examination and databasing of 2,470specimens. New collection records are provided for 15 previously described species, and 36 new species aredescribed. The Epimetopus fauna now comprises 56 species, of which 37 are restricted to South America, 17 are onlyfound north of South America, and only two species are known from both areas. Epimetopus ranges from Argentinato Arizona and Arkansas, but there are no records from the Amazon basin. The genus is divided into seven speciesgroups, five of which are newly delineated. High resolution digital images of all primary types are presented (onlineversions in color), geographic distributions of all species are mapped, and male genitalia of primary types areillustrated. The morphology of the underside of the pronotal hood is described and illustrated for the first time. Onenew synonomy is proposed, placing E. leechi Rocha as a junior synonym of E. balfourbrownei Rocha. New speciesof Epimetopus are: E. acuminatus (Guatemala: El Progresso, km. 69 on C. A. 9); E. angustus (Ecuador: Napo, Tena);E. arcuatus (Paraguay: Dep. Concepcion, Arroyo Toro Paso, Unterlauf ); E. arizonicus (USA: Arizona, Pajarito Mts.,Sycamore Canyon); E. ballatoris (Venezuela: Tachira State, El Tama National Park); E. bifidus (Mexico: Oaxaca,Tapanatepec, 8 mi. W Oaxaca); E. clandestinus (Brazil: Mato Grosso, Caceres); E. clypeatus (Guyana: Region 8,Iwokrama Forest, 1 km W Kurupukan); E. coleuncus (Argentina: Tucuman, Departamento de Burruyacu, Rio Salas);E. deceptus (Brazil: Mato Grosso, Caceres); E. ecuadorensis (Ecuador: Napo, 17 km SW Tena); E. fimbriatus (Brazil:Mato Grosso, São Felix); E. inaequalis (Ecuador: Napo, Tena); E. lanceolatulus (Brazil: Mato Grosso, Caceres); E.lanceolatus (Brazil: Mato Grosso, Caceres); E. latilobus (Costa Rica: Puntarenas, Monteverde area); E. latisoides(Panama: Canal Zone, 12.0 mi NW Gamboa); E. latus (Colombia: Cesar, Pueblo Bello, Sierra de Santa Marta); E.lobilatus (Costa Rica: Limon, Reventazon, Hamburg Farm); E. microporus (Panama: Panama Province, Rio Mamoniat PanAm Hwy); E. mucronatus (Honduras: Rio Humuya NW Comayagua); E. multiportus (Uruguay: 90 km SWArtigas); E. oaxacus (Mexico: Oaxaca, Tapanatepec, 8 mi. W Oaxaca); E. peruvianus (Peru: Ayacucho, La Mar, SantaRosa); E. plicatus (Venezuela: Tachira State, El Tama National Park); E. rectus (Costa Rica: Heredia, OTS La SelvaField Sta., Puerto Viejo de Sarapique, Rio Puerto Viejo); E. robustus (Panama: Canal Zone, 4.1 mi NW Gamboa, RioFrijoles); E. spatulus (Peru: Madre de Dios, Pantiacolla Lodge, Monk Saki Trail, Alto Madre de Dios River); E.steineri (Ecuador: Napo, Tena); surinamensis (Suriname: Sipaliwini District, Camp 3, Wehepai); E. transversoides(Peru: Madre de Dios, Pantiacolla Lodge, Monk Saki Trail, Alto Madre de Dios River); E. transversus (Bolivia: LaPaz, Alcoche); E. tridens (Brazil: Sao Paulo, Campos do Jordão, Parque do Estado Rio Galharada); E. trilobus(Venezuela: Bolivar, Los Pijiguaos); E. venezuelensis (Venezuela: Apure State, ca. 1 km N. Rio Claro); E. vulpinus (Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul, Pelotas).


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