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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-10-31
Page range: 64–68
Abstract views: 157
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A new quill mite Syringophiloidus pseudonigritae sp. nov. (Prostigmata, Syringophilidae) parasitizing Pseudonigrita arnaudi (Passeriformes, Ploceidae)—a combined description using morphology and DNA barcode data

Adam Mickiewicz University, Department of Animal Morphology, Faculty of Biology, Umultowska 89, 61–614 Poznan, Poland
Adam Mickiewicz University, Department of Animal Morphology, Faculty of Biology, Umultowska 89, 61–614 Poznan, Poland
Adam Mickiewicz University, Department of Animal Morphology, Faculty of Biology, Umultowska 89, 61–614 Poznan, Poland
Acari quill mites Syringophiloidus Pseudonigrita arnaudi DNA barcoding systematics


A new quill mite species Syringophiloidus pseudonigritae sp. nov. is described using a combination of morphological dataand COI sequence data. The mite was found parasitizing a Grey-headed Social-Weaver Pseudonigrita arnaudi (Bonaparte) (Passeriformes, Ploceidae), which was captured in Tanzania and died in a German aviary.


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