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Type: Monograph
Published: 2005-02-16
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Systematics and phylogeny of Dolichopodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)

Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, CANADA; Present Address: Diptera Unit, Canadian National Collection of Insects, Invertebrate Biodiversity, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Building, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C6, CANADA
Diptera Dolichopodidae Dolichopodinae phylogeny classification morphology


The phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily Dolichopodinae was investigated based on the examination of over 340 species of Dolichopodinae from all zoogeographic regions. Sixty-five exemplar species were included in a cladistic analysis based on 74 morphological characters of adult specimens. Twenty genera are recognized in the Dolichopodinae: Allohercostomus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, Anasyntormon Parent, Argyrochlamys Lamb, Cheiromyia Dyte, Dolichopus Latreille, Gymnopternus Loew, Hercostomus Loew, Metaparaclius Becker, Muscidideicus Becker, Ortochile Latreille, Paraclius Loew, Parahercostomus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, Pelastoneurus Loew, Platyopsis Parent, Poecilobothrus Mik, Prohercostomus Grichanov, Stenopygium Becker, Sybistroma Meigen, Tachytrechus Haliday, and New Genus A. Eleven genera are newly synonymized: Halaiba Parent (=Argyrochlamys Lamb); Lichtwardtia Enderlein (=Dolichopus Latreille); Phalacrosoma Becker (=Hercostomus Loew); Steleopyga Grootaert & Meuffels (=Hercostomus Loew); Proarchus Aldrich (=Pelastoneurus Loew); Sarcionus Aldrich (=Pelastoneurus Loew); Pterostylus Mik (=Poecilobothrus Mik); Ludovicius Rondani (=Sybistroma Meigen); Nodicornis Rondani (=Sybistroma Meigen); Gonioneurum Becker (=Tachytrechus Haliday); Syntomoneurum Becker (=Tachytrechus Haliday). The following new generic combinations are established: Argyrochlamys breviseta (Parent), Argyrochlamys cavicola (Parent), Cheiromyia maculipennis (Van Duzee), Dolichopus angulicornis (Grichanov), Dolichopus clypeatus (Grichanov), Dolichopus emelyanovi (Grichanov), Dolichopus fractinervis (Parent), Dolichopus hilgerae (Grichanov), Dolichopus hollisi (Grichanov), Dolichopus maculatus (Parent), Dolichopus minusculus (Parent), Dolichopus mironovi (Grichanov), Dolichopus nigrifacies (Grichanov), Dolichopus nigrotorquatus (Parent), Dolichopus nikolaevae (Grichanov), Dolichopus sukharevae (Grichanov), Dolichopus tikhonovi (Grichanov), Hercostomus amoenus (Becker), Hercostomus argyreus (Wei & Lui), Hercostomus briarea (Wei & Lui), Hercostomus dactylocera (Grootaert & Meuffels), Hercostomus fulgidipes (Becker), Hercostomus hubeiensis (Yang), Hercostomus imperfectus (Becker), Hercostomus postiseta (Yang & Saigusa), Hercostomus zygolipes (Grootaert & Meuffels), Poecilobothrus aberrans (Loew), Poecilobothrus chrysozygos (Wiedemann), Prohercostomus bickeli (Evenhuis), Prohercostomus interceptus (Meunier), Prohercostomus intremulus (Meunier), Prohercostomus meunierianus (Evenhuis), Prohercostomus monotonus (Meunier), Prohercostomus negotiosus (Meunier), Prohercostomus notabilis (Meunier), Prohercostomus noxialis (Meunier), Prohercostomus vulgaris (Meunier), Stenopygium punctipennis (Say), Sybistroma acutatus (Yang), Sybistroma apicicrassus (Yang & Saigusa), Sybistroma apicilarius (Yang), Sybistroma biaristatus (Yang), Sybistroma biniger (Yang & Saigusa), Sybistroma bogoria (Grichanov), Sybistroma brevidigitatus (Yang & Saigusa), Sybistroma crinicauda (Zetterstedt), Sybistroma curvatus (Yang), Sybistroma digitiformis (Yang, Yang & Li), Sybistroma dorsalis (Yang), Sybistroma emeishanus (Yang), Sybistroma eucerus (Loew), Sybistroma fanjingshanus (Yang, Grootaert & Song), Sybistroma flavus (Yang), Sybistroma golanicus (Grichanov), Sybistroma henanus (Yang), Sybistromaimpar (Rondani), Sybistroma incisus (Yang), Sybistroma inornatus (Loew), Sybistroma israelensis (Grichanov), Sybistroma longiaristatus (Yang & Saigusa), Sybistroma longidigitatus (Yang & Saigusa), Sybistroma lorifer (Mik), Sybistroma luteicornis (Parent), Sybistroma miricornis (Parent), Sybistroma neixianganus (Yang), Sybistroma qinlingensis (Yang & Saigusa), Sybistroma sciophillus (Loew), Sybistroma sheni (Yang & Saigusa), Sybistroma sichuanensis (Yang), Sybistroma sinaiensis (Grichanov), Sybistroma spectabilis (Parent), Sybistroma sphenopterus (Loew), Sybistroma transcaucasius (Stackelberg), Sybistroma yunnanensis (Yang), Tachytrechus alatus (Becker), Tachytrechus analis (Parent), Tachytrechus beckeri (Parent), Tachytrechus giganteus (Brooks), Tachytrechus varus (Becker). Pelastoneurus lineatus de Meijere, 1916, junior secondary homonym of Pelastoneurus lineatus Aldrich, 1896, is given the new replacement name Pelastoneurus neolineatus nom. nov. Four genera are excluded from the subfamily including Colobocerus Parent, Katangaia Parent, Pseudohercostomus Stackelberg and Vetimicrotes Dyte. A key to the world genera of Dolichopodinae is provided.


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