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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-11-19
Page range: 45–57
Abstract views: 101
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A new species of Brachygasterina Macquart from Colombia, and description of the males of B. stuebeli Röder and B. muisca Soares & Carvalho (Diptera: Muscidae)

Laboratorio de Colecciones Entomológicas, Universidad de Antioquia, AA. 1226, Medellín, Colombia
Laboratorio de Colecciones Entomológicas, Universidad de Antioquia, AA. 1226, Medellín, Colombia
Department of Zoology, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Postal box 19020, Curitiba, 81531–580, Brazil
Diptera Azeliinae Reinwardtiini South American highlands taxonomy


Here we describe the new species Brachygasterina setulosa Pérez, Wolff & Carvalho, sp. nov. from Colombia, Cundinamarca Department, Parque Nacional Natural Sumapaz, at 3560 m above sea level. Descriptions of males of B. stuebeli (Röder) and B. muisca Soares & Carvalho are also included. Currently, 11 species of Brachygasterina Macquart are known from South America, six of which occur in the highlands of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela.


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